Service Broker process but stays in CONVERSING state

  • I'm trying to take a stab at learning how the service broker works. I need to have a process running and it's doing what I want it to do. That is, update some records asynchronously. So far so good!;) The issue I'm having is that once it processes I still have records in sys.conversation_endpoints with a state of CONVERSING. Here's the activation SP that I'm using:

    create proc [dbo].[updateConsumerDataSB]



    --set nocount on

    declare @h uniqueidentifier

    declare @t sysname

    declare @m xml

    while 1=1


    set @h = null



    receive top(1)

    @h = conversation_handle,

    @t = message_type_name,

    @m = cast(message_body as xml)

    from ReceiverAddressQ

    --from SenderAddressQ

    ), timeout 5000

    if @h is null




    else if @t = 'AddressMessage'


    exec updateConsumerData @m

    end conversation @h


    else if @t = ''


    end conversation @h




    end conversation @h --don't know if I really want to do this

    --Probably need to get out of SP




    I think it has something to do with how I end the conversation I just don't know where I should be doing it.

    Any thoughts?

  • I was finally able to make it work but something tells me that it's not the correct way of doing it.

    select @i = conversation_handle

    from sys.conversation_endpoints ce

    join (select conversation_id

    from sys.conversation_endpoints

    where conversation_group_id = @g) t on

    ce.conversation_id = t.conversation_id and

    ce.is_initiator = 1

    --End the target and initiator conversations

    end conversation @h

    end conversation @i

    I added the above code. I'm just using the conversation_group_id from the when I pulled the message and using that to grab the initiator conversation_handle. It works but I've got a long way before I can use this in a production environment. I still need to make this a transaction so I can roll back in the event there is a problem.

    I only wish I would have started working with the service broker earlier. This is really cool stuff.


  • If your doing a fire and forget[send and expect no response], once you have finished the delivery of your service broker messages just end the dialog at the end of that cycle.

    If your looking for a response then you will need to create another activation proc to handle a delivery receipt message and close the conversation off there and then.

  • You have to end the conversation at both ends (initiator and target). Both should listen to and process messages of type "" and ""

    When one of the participants in SB calls END CONVERSATION, a message of type "" or "" (dependig on the parameters used in END CONVERSATION) will be sent to the other participant. The response to this message should be END CONVERSATION.

    From BOL, topic "END CONVERSATION":

    Both participants in a conversation must call END CONVERSATION for the conversation to complete.

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