AppDomain Unloaded

  • My SQL Server error log is full of these errors.

    Date 19/10/2010 10:33:20

    Log SQL Server (Current - 19/10/2010 10:31:00)

    Source spid18s


    AppDomain 63313 (OperationsManager.dbo[ddl].63312) unloaded.

    I have read about providing more memory to the OS but am a little unsure as to what im looking for

    The server in question is sql 2008 sp1 on windows 2008 x64, the server has 32GB of memory and currently sql is restricted to 28GB.

    The thing thats disconcerting is we have only just started using ops manager and the database is only 800mb.

  • Hopefully sorted, the error seems the wrong way around. It was occuring because CLR was disabled on the SQL server (which it is by default)

  • I have found this is typical if you have a CLR registered assembly in your SQL environment and CLR isn't enabled.

    The function or data type etc within the assembly is being reference by code on your SQL Server so effectively it is attempting to create, load execute the function, data type etc, and then unload the assembly but it can't as CLR isn't enabled.

    Unfortunately the error is very similar to memory pressure errors you see in the SQL Server Error Log e.g.

    ".....marked for unload."


    "......marked for unload due to memory pressure."

    Look for assemblies that are registered in the database that is contained in the error message.

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