cannot update using temporary table

  • I have created a table A and trying to insert the data using temporary table .

    i.e pivoted the data from another table B into temporary table #Q and inserting data into table A using update statement .but, the problem is, it is not insertring any rows.i am getting the message 0 rows affected.but i can see the data in #q,i have also used right outer join but no use.

    here is structure of the tables and code (what i am trying to achieve)...

    Appreciate the help ....

  • Are you trying to do an update or an insert? I'm seeing in your code for tablea that you have a lot of not null columns, so I assume that you either have a lot of data in tablea already and are trying to update, in which case your joins aren't resulting in matches, or you are trying to insert data into tablea using an update statement which also won't work. Can you clarify which you are trying to do?

    Tim Januario

  • here is what i am trying to do ,intially i am creating a procedure and inserting the values as 0,0,0.and later updating using updation criteria.

  • I got it ...

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