Replication Monitor

  • Hi people.

    I have this problem.

    During my test i create some pubblication in my sql server.

    Now, some of this are working, and someother are deleted.

    My problem is...

    When i open replication monitor, i see in my list one deleted pubblication.

    Someone know how can i delete from this list this item ???

    i try using sp_dropmergesubscription and sql answer me "The subscription does not exist".

    thank you in advance.



  • If my memory serves me correctly, the details displayed by Replication Monitor are from tables it creates in Tempdb.

    Deleted publications don't always seem to be removed from these tables, so the answer is to remove these tables from Tempdb.

    You can do that by either restarting the instance (which clears Tempdb, and therefore those tables), or you can just delete the tables, and replication monitor will create them again... this time without your deleted publications.

  • Hi Ian.

    Nothing happen....i restart instance but in the replication monitor i can see record.


  • Hold on, I've just re-read your original post, and I think there may be a bit of confusion between publications and subscriptions.

    i try using sp_dropmergesubscription and sql answer me "The subscription does not exist".

    That will delete the subscription, not the publication itself. To drop the publication, you need to run sp_dropmergepublication

  • alredy used.......

    but appear an erro "The pubblication does not exist"

    but in replication monitor exist.

  • I don't have access to a 2005 system with replication (only 2000 at the moment) to check that this is still valid for 2005.

    Have a look in TempDb, and if you see any tables called MSdistributor_access, MSPublisher_access, MSReplication_agent_status etc., try dropping them.

    Failing that, then my only suggestion is to look at the replication system tables (e.g. MSpublications) to see if anything looks wrong.

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