Installation Problem?

  • I recently completed a Microsoft course on SSRS 2005. I'm attempting to get it installed in my test environment, and I've had a lot of issues. I already had SQL Server & SSIS 2005 with sp3 on the box. I then attempted to add a named instance for SSRS 2005. I tried using the MSI to add/change SQL Server 2005 & install the SSRS component. Because I did a named instance, I had to use the Reporting Services Configuration tool to set up the server. I did all of that and it told me my database was the wrong version. I ended up going back & applied the sp3 to SSRS & had to delete & recreate the ReportServer and ReportServerTempDB databases to make them the right version. I created a dummy report, published it, and am finally able to access it. However, the GUI I see when I log in looks nothing like the GUI I saw in class. There's no Home Tab, system settings, etc... It's just a directory structure. If I drill down into the links, my report eventually shows up, but I don't see any of the administration features for SSRS. Can someone point me in the right direction?

    Here's what I see:

  • My bad the image says IE so now you know something is wrong but your url may be wrong. I also don't know where you got the idea you need to be in a named instance because SQL Server since 2000 you don't have to use default instance. That said make sure IIS is running and rerun setup and choose all components SSRS expect the user to be admin in SQL Server and the operating system. Then go into configuration manager and Configure SSRS after you have used SAC to enable protocols and all that is needed to run SSRS. There is a configuration page from Microsoft if I find it I will post it. Here is the page you can use please post again if you still need help.

    Kind regards,
    Gift Peddie

  • try http://yourip/reports instead of /reportserver

  • I installed it as a named instance because that is what the so-called Microsoft instructor told us to do. It became apparent as the course progressed that he hadn't used SSRS in a couple of years, hadn't bothered to read the course materials before class, and had no interest in answering any installation-type questions.

    I tried reports in the URL. That didn't help. I have followed the MS article. That didn't help either. I know the user I'm using is an administrator on that box. It's actually a domain admin account. I've given it every single SQL permission I can think of. It's simply not working. I can publish a report & view that report, but I have none of the administrative options. I cannot get to the Home tab or Site Settings or any of the other options I need to administer the server.

    If I un-install this named instance & re-install as a "default" instance, am I risking my existing SQL Server db & SSIS installs which are already using the default instance and running with sp3? I cannot lose those instances. They represent my entire test environment.

  • make sure that the /reports directory is properly configured on the IIS

    you can check that in the SSRS-Configuration Tool. The point "Virtual Directory for report manager" should have a green dot. If it has, then have a look at in the IIS. Maybe there's something wrong there.

    As a last resort, First remove the Virtual directory in the SSRS-Configuration Tool, then Remove the Virtual directory manually using the InetManager.

    Restart your IIS

    then add the Virtual Directory again using the SSRS-Config Tool.

  • Hi, lduvall.

    I think I have found something useful for you as shown below:

    Good luck.

    RAQ Report: Web-based Excel-like Java reporting tool[/url]

  • Ok, so I completely un-installed Reporting Services and started from scratch. This time I installed it as a default instance. However, since SQL Server & SSIS already existed under default, it still makes me use the Reporting Services Configuration Tool to setup options, and I'm back in the same boat. I have a new symptom now. When I go to http://myip/reports, I get a generic "The request failed with HTTP status 400: Bad Request" error. When I look in my event log, it says "The report server database is an invalid version."

    I already had SQL Server 2005 sp 3 installed on the box. When I installed Reporting Services, I immediately turned around & applied sp3 to it and it said it was created successfully. At that point, I went into the Configuration Tool and started the setup options. (So I didn't create the ReportServer db until after I'd applied sp3, so I don't see how that could be the version problem.) I've read every article out there on the virtual directory setup, the Windows service accounts, defining the report server database connection, and the account used to run the application pool in IIS. I have verified that both the domain account I used to connect to the db & the network service account have the appropriate db permissions. I've verified the permissions on the HOME directory when I use SSMS to connect to the Reporting Server. I don't know what else to do. Has anyone else seen this error?

  • Hi lduvall,

    This error is documented but here is the support article about it and the fixes right here at SSC but that may only take you to Report Manager and you still need to define permissions in Report Manager. The mistake is adding the ReportServerDB and ReportServerTempDB after the service pack because it means SSRS is RTM and not SP3 because you cannot recover from hardware failure or move to another box without both databases. If you get login prompt you either add the url in IE trusted sites or Lan setting.

    Kind regards,
    Gift Peddie

  • Hi gift,

    I followed the instructions in the Microsoft article for putting the fully-qualified name in the config file. It did not change anything. The site has been added to my trusted sites. That didn't do anything either. The first time I tried the install (when I used a named instance), I installed the db before I applied sp3. The second time (when I used a default instance), I waited to do the db install until after I'd applied sp3. Neither of these worked. I'm able to get to the http://myip/reportserver site but it looks like my screenshot in the original post. It doesn't show Site Settings or a Home tab or anything else. I still cannot get to http://myip/reports. I get the generic 400 "Bad request" error. This time, though, nothing at all is logged in the Event Viewer.

    Do you have any other suggestions? I will try anything.

  • Check my very long post in the middle of this thread for more things that may fix this it is very tedious but it may help.

    Kind regards,
    Gift Peddie

  • Ok, I'm an idiot. I've just been looking at it so hard that I didn't read this article carefully enough. This fixed my problem:

    I had to change the C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.2\Reporting Services\ReportManager\RSWebApplication.config file in the way that article suggests. I just messed up when I was making the change & didn't read it carefully enough. I'm able to see Report Manager now!

    Thank you, gift!!!!!!

  • lduvall (10/1/2009)

    Ok, I'm an idiot. I've just been looking at it so hard that I didn't read this article carefully enough. This fixed my problem:

    I had to change the C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.2\Reporting Services\ReportManager\RSWebApplication.config file in the way that article suggests. I just messed up when I was making the change & didn't read it carefully enough. I'm able to see Report Manager now!

    Thank you, gift!!!!!!

    I am glad I could help.


    Kind regards,
    Gift Peddie

  • becklery (10/2/2009)

    For your problem, you can refer to the url below;


    Please stop spaming this forum this problem is resolved I looked at the first link you posted which was useless because the OP is way past installation.

    Kind regards,
    Gift Peddie

  • I hesitate to ask yet another question, but now I'm able to actually see the Report Manager home page without any errors. However, when I publish things, I cannot see them & I cannot see any of the admin options. I made extra sure that I've given the user access via SSMS. I am logging in as a domain admin & I gave the user the System Administrator "system role" in Reporting Services at the top level on the name of the server. I looked further down at the Home folder & other folders & the user is listed there with the "Browser, Content Manager, My Reports & Publisher" roles. On all the folders beneath Home, the user has access & it shows the radio button that "Inherit roles from the parent folder." My Data Sources are all the same way. The user that I'm using in the Reporting Services Configuration Manager to connect to the db is "Service Credentials." All the documentation I read said that was ok. The user I'm logged in under has dbo & RSExecRole on the ReportServer & ReportServerTempDB databases & is actually system admin on the whole server. I can access the reports just fine if I go to http://myserver/reportserver but not if I go to http://myserver/reports. This is what I see:

  • ." My Data Sources are all the same way. The user that I'm using in the Reporting Services Configuration Manager to connect to the db is "Service Credentials."

    I am not sure why you are not using Shared Datasource which means you use only one datasource, you also need to give that account at least DDL admin or DBO permissions because SSRS is blocking a serviced account in report manager.

    You also need to go back to that thread I posted and do the requirement for logon locally for that account. The Report manager is seeing an account with limited permission and I think it is the datasource account.

    Kind regards,
    Gift Peddie

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