Get the result of TOP N from a Flat file

  • HI,

    I have a huge flat file and i am not sure about the number of columns present in that. Is there any way to check / see the top 1..n rows from the Flat file ? Because i cudnt open the flat file since it is of huge in size.

    Thanks in Advance!

  • You could use bcp with -L option(last row).

    Set the field terminator to a non-existing character in that file (e.g. ~ or °) and import it into a table with only one column (+ addtl. id column).

    Use a split string function together with your field terminator to split the columns into rows. Based on the row number from your splitted data you'd know the number of columns.

    Sounds a little quick-and-dirty but that's the way I'd do it if I'd have to import a flat file with an (at the moment) unknown structure...

    But the question is: do you know for sure that the column structure you come up with is correct and will it be consistent for all rows once you start to import the large file?

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