Dropping a Clustered Index

  • Im new to sql server and practicing using it on a home lab.

    I'm trying to drop a clustered index for an existing table so that I can recreate it across partitions(which should also automatically split the existing table across the partitions).

    using the script below does not work. Any pointers as to how to do this? I have also tried to change the index to non-clustered to see if i could then recreate a clustered one. I'm hoping I wont have to take off the primary key constraint as the table is a foreign key in aother table.

    drop index pk_vendors

    on vendors with (online = on)

    Error message I get is

    Msg 3723, Level 16, State 4, Line 1

    An explicit DROP INDEX is not allowed on index 'vendors.pk_vendors'. It is being used for PRIMARY KEY constraint enforcement.


  • Since it is a PK (not just an index), you will have to drop it. Try this:


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  • Well, unfortunately you are going to have to drop the constraint. The constraint is enforced using the index and the index cannot be dropped until the constraint has been removed.

    Jeffrey Williams
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