Report Server Script

  • Hi,

    Does anyone have a script that will list all report subscriptions, the name of the report, who receives the report, when they receive the report, and the description of the report from the Rpt Manager site? For example:

    Name Recipiencts Report Sent Description

    Report Name Mike, Dan, Jeff M, W, F 6:30 AM This reports details...

    Also, does anyone know what the 'Name' GUID joins to from the Schedule table (if anything)? For the subscriptions that are set up as saved schedules, the name appears, but for the manual entries, there is a just a GUID. I'm hoping the GUID joins to something so get the subscription in English.

    Along those lines, does anyone know how to translate the MinutesInterval, DaysInterval, WeeksInterval, DaysOfMonth, [Month] and MonthlyWeek fields in the Schedule table?

    I'm looking for a query that will work for SSMS 2008.



  • I think if you check through the following links they should get you pointed int he right direction. Basically you will probably need to create a couple of CTE's that will gather the appropriate info and join them together.

    sqldisco references this one which talks about creatign a report to view failed jobs which might be useful to you, but either way if you dig into the tsql code you should see where you need to pull all of the different elements from and how to parse the XML constructs.

    Also Dean Kaalanquin's blog[/url] may help as well...

    Let me know how you make out.


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  • Hi guys,

    Thanks for all the replies. Those links certainly did help. I have a few scripts that were helpful as well. But basically I had to go through each subscription manually and document the subscription info in Excel.

    I actually have a script that lists all recipients (including CC and BCC) and all the parameters as well. What I really needed was a list of all report subscriptions, who the reports were sent to and when. I haven't figured out how to list when all the reports are sent out so I had to go through them manually (brutal!). The script I have is run by last run date not every date.

    Thanks again for the help....


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