Blog Post

OPASS is pleased to announce - SQLSaturday #49 - Orlando October 16th. Get it on your calendar now.


SQLSaturday #49 - Orlando is now live on the SQLSaturday web site.  It will be held on October 16th at Seminole State College, Lake Mary Campus.  This is #4 for Orlando and the #3 held at the Seminole State College, Lake Mary Campus.  We've had about 250 attendees at each event and this year we are really hoping to crack 300.  We know we have enough SQL Server users around to make that number and we're getting a head start on the event this year so hopefully we'll make it. 

We are still going to have the $10 lunch fee, so we know that is covered and can hopefully do more with sponsor dollars.

We are going to try some new things to try to grow the event, some of which are in this blog post, but here are a couple I didn't mention:

  1. A dedicated sponsor track.  We think that this will add value for the sponsor by letting them demonstrate their product and for the attendee it's an opportunity to see some of the third-party tools in action.  I know this is something I've been interested in for awhile.  Why should I choose one monitoring tool over another, or how can I get the most out of the tool I already have.
  2. A Deep Dive block after lunch.  Instead of all 1 hour sessions we are planning to have one block of 2 hour Deep Dive sessions after lunch.

Feel free to contact me via twitter (@unclebiguns) or the blog if you have any ideas to help make the event better.


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