Dynamic Sql Query problem

  • Hi

    i have query that have input parameters in the where condition of dynamic sql. the problem is, i have 10 input parameters from application.

    when data was inserted any of the parameter, i need to keep them in where condition of a dynamic query with AND operation.

    ex: input parameters for the query











    upto 10 parameters. when they enter data in any parameter i need to append the parameter in the where condition

    sample Query i did:

    declare @sql varchar(2000),@cmd varchar(2000)

    set @sql='select * from jobspec where'''+@cmd

    when userId data is entered, iam doing


    when userId data and username data is entered

    set @cmd='userId='+@userid +'''and username='''+@username

    if i use like this i will get many number of combinations

    is there any other solution for this scenario,please kindly help me



  • rockingadmin (5/6/2010)


    i have query that have input parameters in the where condition of dynamic sql. the problem is, i have 10 input parameters from application.

    when data was inserted any of the parameter, i need to keep them in where condition of a dynamic query with AND operation.

    ex: input parameters for the query











    upto 10 parameters. when they enter data in any parameter i need to append the parameter in the where condition

    sample Query i did:

    declare @sql varchar(2000),@cmd varchar(2000)

    set @sql='select * from jobspec where'''+@cmd

    when userId data is entered, iam doing


    when userId data and username data is entered

    set @cmd='userId='+@userid +'''and username='''+@username

    if i use like this i will get many number of combinations

    is there any other solution for this scenario,please kindly help me



    Here is the start of what I have seen others do:

    declare @sql varchar(max);

    set @sql='select * from jobspec where 1 = 1';

    if @userid is not null

    set @sql = @sql + ' and userId = ' + @userid;

    if @username is not null

    set @sql = @sql + ' and username = ' + @username;


    exec (@sql);

  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • True, the method I showed is open for SQL Injection as is, but there are defensive means of handling it. Being late, and not having access to SQL Server at the moment, I can't do the necessary work and testing tobe sure I do it right.

    I'm sure that someone a little more proficient in this can show you the way.

  • i tried with different scenario


    declare @userid int,@username nvarchar(300),@companyname varchar(300),@job varchar(30)

    select * from jobspec where userId=coalesce(@userid,userid) and username like coalesce(@username,username)+'%' and job=coalesce(@job,job),companyname like coalesce(companyname,@companyname)+'%'





    it is working properly.But i have a problem, if drivername having any special characters. then if i tried to search with that name i am getting null values and if i tried to search with the userid of t he mentioned drivername of the same record i.e. who is having name with speacial characters then also i am getting null.

    if i tried to search with user name as "test". i am getting values

    if i tried to search with user name as "test #name# @ is name". iam getting null values.if i tried to search with userid for this record also i am gettting the same issue

    please kindly suggest me on this



  • any guess..

  • rockingadmin (5/7/2010)

    i tried with different scenario


    declare @userid int,@username nvarchar(300),@companyname varchar(300),@job varchar(30)

    select * from jobspec where userId=coalesce(@userid,userid) and username like coalesce(@username,username)+'%' and job=coalesce(@job,job),companyname like coalesce(companyname,@companyname)+'%'





    it is working properly.But i have a problem, if drivername having any special characters. then if i tried to search with that name i am getting null values and if i tried to search with the userid of t he mentioned drivername of the same record i.e. who is having name with speacial characters then also i am getting null.

    if i tried to search with user name as "test". i am getting values

    if i tried to search with user name as "test #name# @ is name". iam getting null values.if i tried to search with userid for this record also i am gettting the same issue

    please kindly suggest me on this



    First, to answer your question, unless you have a username that starts with 'test #name# @ is name' and has zero or some characters after (highly unlikely, I would think), then your query is correctly returning nothing.

    Secondly, unless you have otherwise sanitized your input, from the information given you are opening yourself up to SQL injection, which was brought up in the responses above. Try using stewartc-708166's suggestion above to prevent that.

    If you're not sure what the problem with SQL Injection is, please start by reading Gail Shaw's blog post here: http://sqlinthewild.co.za/index.php/2009/04/03/dynamic-sql-and-sql-injection/[/url]

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    "stewsterl 80804 (10/16/2009)I guess when you stop and try to understand the solution provided you not only learn, but save yourself some headaches when you need to make any slight changes."

  • Hey 'Rock',

    I'm not sure if you are the sort of person that reads links, but if you are, you'll find the following contain just about everything there is to know about building dynamic search conditions in SQL Server:




  • Hi Paul,

    its not the matter of reading the links. i already gone through those links. after that only i decided to use coalesce function. to my scenario i can only use

    1. using if conditions:

    if working with " if " condition, then i need to face lot of conditions.

    2. using coalesce:

    if working with " coalesce ", i am getting null values.

    3. i can not use stored procedures and also using static if conditions.



  • Rock, can you provide us with sample table structure, sample data, what you're trying and expected outcome? This will help us to understand your dilemma a little better. (See the first link in my signature for an article describing how to do that).

    From what you're showing us so far, it looks like Stewartc's recommendation would work, but you're saying it is not. If we can play with your sample data we can probably help you figure this out.

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    "stewsterl 80804 (10/16/2009)I guess when you stop and try to understand the solution provided you not only learn, but save yourself some headaches when you need to make any slight changes."

  • i found out the root cause of my problem. But need little help on this


    declare @userid int,@username nvarchar(300),@companyname varchar(300),@job varchar(30)

    select * from jobspec where userId=coalesce(@userid,userid) and username like coalesce(@username,username)+'%' and job=coalesce(@job,job),companyname like coalesce(companyname,@companyname)+'%'

    it is not problem with the like operator or with a special characters

    -->I am getting values if data is available for all values in the table

    case 1:

    if userId=123,username='test1',Job='dev',companyname='testcomp'

    case 2:

    if userId=1123,username='test12',Job=null,companyname=null

    case 3:

    If userId=123,username='test1',Job='',companyname=''

    --> And I am not getting values for the belowscenarios

    from the application, some field values are stored as null or '' for some fields in the table

    for example if the data is available in the table with the below scenarios, i am getting null values

    case 1:

    if userid=1234,username='test',job=null,companyname=''

    case 2:

    if userid=12345,username=''test',job='',companyname=null

    case 3:

    if userid=123456,usernmae=null,job=null,companyname=''

    please kindly suggest me



  • it's because you're not correctly using coalesce(). You cannot simply find the first non-null value (which is what coalesce() or isnull() do) and make your column equal that, especially by using both your variable, and the column itself.

    You're coming up with solutions that are only looking for data WHERE 1=1 and userid=userid and username=username and....etc..

    Which is like looking for 1=1 and 2=2 and 3=3.

    When you throw NULLs into the mix, you're trying to return job=NULL, which can't be determined.

    You need to write your query in the manner that Stewartc suggested earlier in this thread in order to make it work.

    step1 = build the string using dynamic SQL and the use of isnull() or coalesce() if you prefer to ONLY include the parameters in the WHERE if they are not null/empty string.

    step2 = execute that constructed string in order to return the correct values.

    Stewartc has basically written that for you already, you'll just have to complete what he started.

    Give that a shot, and let us see what you have written if you can't get it working after that point.

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    Tally Table:What it is and how it replaces a loop[/url]

    "stewsterl 80804 (10/16/2009)I guess when you stop and try to understand the solution provided you not only learn, but save yourself some headaches when you need to make any slight changes."

  • it works. Thank you very much

  • Thanks for the feedback, and thanks Stewartc for the solution.

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    "stewsterl 80804 (10/16/2009)I guess when you stop and try to understand the solution provided you not only learn, but save yourself some headaches when you need to make any slight changes."

  • I thank each and every one for best supporting

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