Multiple fact tables w/ different grains in same cube?

  • Hello,

    I am trying to create a cube with two fact tables in it. One fact table has a higher grain than another one. Is this possible? The cube I create works fine with the measures derived from the higher level fact table but the lower level fact table creates measures that improperly aggregate everything. Does anyone have any suggestions to remedy this? What am I missing?


  • After doing a little research I am thinking thinking that I need to use a fact dimension.

  • Not what I think. Instead of that I suggest you take a close look of the standaard Adventure Works cube, especially at the measuregroups Sales Targets and Sales Orders. They have different granularities. In the UDM you can see how that's been designed.



  • Thank you cees van diermen. I will check it out. That sounds exactly like what I need to do.

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