Concatenate fields in Dynamic sql

  • hi

    i got a problem while concating fileds in a dynamic query


    decalre @sql nvarchar(2000)

    set @sql='select col1'+''+'col2'+''+'col3'+''+'col4 from table'


    i am getting errors while concatenating fields

    any idea?



  • declare @sql nvarchar(2000)

    set @sql='select col1,' + ' col2,' + ' col3,' + 'col4 from table'

    exec (@sql)

    try that. don't forget your commas seperating your fields.

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  • hello calvo

    using the below query will give individual columns.

    declare @sql nvarchar(2000)

    set @sql='select col1,' + ' col2,' + ' col3,' + 'col4 from table'

    exec (@sql)

    actually i want to contatenate all the fields into one field


    declare @sql nvarchar(2000)

    set @sql='select (col1' + ' '+' col2' +' '+ ' col3,'+' ' + 'col4) as ttcol from table'

    exec (@sql)

    i think you understood my requirement.



  • You didn't really provide much helpful information about what exactly you're trying to do, but if it's a simple string concatenation with a space between each field then it would be like this:

    declare @sql nvarchar(2000)

    set @sql='select col1 + '' '' + col2 + '' '' + col3 + '' '' + col4 from table'


    └> bt

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  • declare @sql varchar(2000)

    set @sql = 'select firstName' + ' + ' + 'lastName ' + 'from Person.Contact'

    exec (@sql)

    that will concatenate fields into one column. I used SQL Server 2008 and the adventureworks database.

    You can debug our dynamic sql by adding simple print statements to see what you are trying to execute.

    for example;

    declare @sql varchar(2000)

    set @sql = 'select firstName' + ' + ' + 'lastName ' + 'from Person.Contact'

    print @sql

    exec (@sql)

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  • calvo,

    i did little work on this. it works now.Thank you for the support



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