ODBC connection - SQL server authentication works, Windows NT authentication doesn't

  • Hello everybody! I am sure there is something silly I am not doing but wanted to get some advice.

    I am trying to setup ODBC connection. I have 2 win2003 servers that are part of a domain and 1 server is the database server. I have installed SQL 2005 onto this box and created a user that is a Domain Administrator. I test an ODBC connection locally on the DB server box and all is well. I then go to the 2nd server and attempt to connect by creating an ODBC and I can't get it to work with Windows Authentication nor for that fact can it work with SQL Authentication with the user I created - Domain/Administrator; but if I attempt connect with SQL Authentication using the sa user it works fine.

    Any help is appreciated!



  • Are the permissions set the same as the sa account?

  • Where did you create the user DomainAdministrator? In Active Directory, on the server, in Sql Server? It makes a difference...

  • Do you get an SSPI error ?

    If so read everything you can about SSPI, then give up and use basic SQL authentication.

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