dbcc errorlog

  • Dear Experts,

    I have written the below mentioned sp. I have schedule the same for a particular time interval. The sp works fine but even after that in enterprize manager of SQL2k it shows a red mark. When i check the sysjobhistory table it shows the step is run successfully but in job outcome line it show job failed with sql_message_id 2528.

    CREATE PROC dberrorlogbackup as


    create table #temp


    srno int,

    TIMEDATE datetime,

    filesize int


    insert into #temp exec xp_enumerrorlogs

    select @FILESIZE = filesize from #temp where srno = 0

    if @filesize > 5000000

    DBCC errorlog



    Drop table #temp

    Pls help me on this. Thanks in Advance

    Dev - the sql newbie.

    Thank you,
    email id :- dev_programmer@yahoo.co.in

  • it may be the proc is returning some output. I'd use EXEC master.dbo.sp_cycle_errorlog; in place of the dbcc and I'd make sure that the return statements are consistent if you're going to use one.

    when the condition is false you don't drop the temp table as the statement is after the return.

    [font="Comic Sans MS"]The GrumpyOldDBA[/font]

  • btw. I actually cycle my logs every night on prod and usually weekely on dev boxes - more simple solution.

    [font="Comic Sans MS"]The GrumpyOldDBA[/font]

  • I tend to agree with Colin here. If you're returned some value, it might indicate an error. Does anything return when you execute this?

    I would typically recycle logs once a week myself on prod.

  • Dear Experts,

    Thanks for the reply.

    But when i check the jobs history this is the message displayed.

    DBCC execution completed. If DBCC printed error messages, contact your system administrator.

    I would also try the EXEC master.dbo.sp_cycle_errorlog n let you know.



    Thank you,
    email id :- dev_programmer@yahoo.co.in

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