Mirror connection error

  • Hi guys,

    I have a bit of a problem with setting up mirroring in SQL 2008. I am using SQL server enterprise edition on both servers. When trying to set up mirroring, I get the following error:

    The server network address "TCP://servername:5022" can not be reached or does not exist. Check the network address name and that the ports for the local and remote endpoints are operational.

    I have set up mirroring on the principal and secondary server before but in SQL 2005. What am I missing? Is there anything new I need to know with regards to SQL 2008?



  • Hey IC, the first thing you might want to try is to ping and telnet to that server with the specified port to make sure it is resolving correctly; from a command prompt type:

    ping servername (to ensure it is resolving correctly), followed by:

    telnet servername 5022 (to make sure that the port is open and accessible).

    You might also want to try both tests with the FQDN of the server (ServerName.Domain) and the IP address.

  • Thanks...all ports are opened and the server can be pinged but mirroring still not working.

  • IC,

    Is your database names you are mirroring on both the servers are alike? I had this issue before and everything from n/w side was OK, then I realised that names were slightly different. I made them alike and mirroring was setup.

  • yes, my db names are alike

  • Hi,

    I think you created the endpoints with the wizzard.

    We had the same problem. The names resolution was not the same on the Server. While local it works without domain sufix, the other side (from the names server) was with domain suffix.

    to avoid the problem i createt the endpoints and mirroring of the databes with a script and all works fine.

    a bit strange. you can test it with nslookup on both sides

    try this (first delete all mirrors and endponts)

    ##Create Mirror Endpoint (on both Servers)

    CREATE ENDPOINT [Mirroring]

    AUTHORIZATION [<Domain-account>]





    ### Enable Mirroring on both Partners, Mirror First then Prinzipal

    ### Mirror

    ALTER DATABASE <database_name> SET PARTNER = TCP://<system-address>:5022

    ### Prinzipal

    ### ALTER DATABASE <database_name> SET PARTNER = TCP://<system-address>:5022



  • Thanks...but its still not working after your suggestion.

  • still not working? sad to hear 🙁

    maybe you have to check for patches etc?

    Just to have a closer picture:

    your server are in the same domain?

    you have the latest patch for sqlserver?

    your sql servers service are runing with a valid domain account?

    have you tried the same domain acount and the ip adress of the partner in the mirror config?



  • my answers is yes to all of ur list questions

  • your sql server browser is runing and your TCP potocoll enabled?

    strange thing.

    im out of ideas..

  • yip

  • Hey IC,

    Did yoy check whether you have added the FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name) of both the server in the hosts file located on both the server.

    Hosts file should have both the servers FQDN Name along its IP Address.

    If this still doesn't work

    then try configuring with Certificates

  • I already tried that...does not work....can you please explain how I would configure with certificates?

  • Are you using Transparent Data Encryption?

    I intially had gotten Mirroring working with it, but had an error, and have not been able to fix it since and I get the same error you are getting.

    If I decrypt and drop the Database encryption key, backup DB, backup log, and restore and re-create Mirroring it works. But I cannot get it working with TDE enabled.

    I noticed there was an error the CU5 for SQL 2008 SP 1 fixed, I downloaded and installed CU 6 (since it should included the fix from CU 5), and no dice i'm still getting the error, when the DB has TDE enabled.

    Twitter: @SQLBalls
    Blog: http://www.SQLBalls.com

  • I think the Principal server is unable to access the Mirror server Log path or Vice Versa...I got the same issue when I try to setup mirroring. Please check that .

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