Unable to print reports after installing SQL Server 2005 SP3

  • After SQL Server 2005 SP3 was installed I now get the following error message when I try to print a SQL Server Reporting Services report: Error loading resource library. (0x8007007E).

    We had similar problems when windows updates KB956391 and KB960715 were installed on user computers. That time the users got an "Unable to load print control" error. The solution chosen by tech support at that time was to remove KB956391 and KB960715 from the user's computers.

    Does anyone know what the correct fix is for this issue. I've searched on the internet and tried the solutions suggested and nothing has worked. I've removed the RSClientPrint class. I've unregistered dlls. I did get prompted to install the print control, but then I get the Error loading resource library message again.

    Has anyone else had this problem?

  • Have you deployed the rsclientprint.dll to your clients? You may need to get the latest version available from the MSSQL directory\reporting services\reportserver\bin\rsclientprint.dll

    Check out post six in the below link as it has some decent instructions for how to create an msi that can be pushed out via SMS or whatnot.



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  • Thanks for the reply and link. However, I checked one of the computers with the problem and it already has all the RSClientPrint rll files. The print was working fine until SQL Server 2005 SP3 was installed on the server. Why would SP3 break the print control? It doesn't make a lot of sense that you would have to touch each client computer because an update is put on SQL Server.

  • What version of the client print dlls were on the machine? Like the other updates it may have something to do with the GDI+ vulnerability that comes packaged with the client print files. The current ones if you're using SP3 should be 2005.90.4035.0 Digitally Signed on 25 Nov 08.

    MS doesn't think they broke it, because it's a magical activeX component that just downloads the most current version (as long as the user has admin rights to their machine that is...) or at least that's the feeling I got when researching most of these problems in the past. Our users do not have admin rights so I must deploy the clientPrint dlls for them via SMS.


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  • Thanks Luke. I forwarded the link you provided to our tech support team for them to look at. The strange thing is that I do have admin rights on my computer and it still did not update the files for me. Our users do not have admin rights, so I understand why it didn't update their computer. They just get a message "Unable to load print control". I did get prompted to install the new print control, but the install did not work. I got the message "Error loading resource library".

    I appreciate your help. I'll let you know if this resolves our problems.


  • When you say the install didn't work, what didnt' work about it? did the new DLLs not get installed? Did the installation fail? Is it waiting on a reboot? Did your AV/HIPS software kill it?

    any other information you could provide?


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  • And more importantly, How are you trying to access and print your reports? Is it directly from the SSRS web page? are you callign them via a custom reportviewer object in your custom application?

    HAve a look at Brian Hartman's Blog, perhaps it can shed a bit more light...



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  • I'm trying to print the report directly from the Report Manager on the SQL Server Reporting Services server.

    When SP3 was first installed and I tested the print, I immediately got an error message: "Error loading resource library. (0x8007007E). I then went into the Downloaded Program Files on my computer and saw there were 2 RSClient Print classes: RSClient Print Class and RSClient Print 2005 Class. I removed both of those and then tried the print again. This time I was prompted "Do you want to install this software". I clicked yes then got the "Error loading resource library" error again. The RSClient Print 2005 Class was put back in the Downloaded Program Files folder and as long as I leave that I don't get prompted to install software, but I still get the "Error loading resource library" error message.

    I then checked in the Windows/System 32 folder for any RSClientPrint rll files and they are there, but all appear to be older files dated 10/14/2005. The RSClientprint.dll is dated 2/10/2007. I opened the RSClientPrint.inf file and it says FileVersion = 2005,90,3042,00.

    Printing works fine in Report Manager on the Reporting Services server that has not had SP3 installed yet.

  • OK. I got it to work, finally.

    I deleted all the RSClientPrint files from Windows\System32 and then tried again. Everything installed correctly after that and print is now working.

    Now we just have to test it for the users who have restricted access to see if they can install it. If not your link will come in very handy. Thanks for your help on this.

  • Glad to help. That's why we went with the custom MSI distribution. It seemed to be the easiest to deploy and maintain, as we could push it with SMS whenever we needed.


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  • Kathy,

    Your solution to remove the RsClientPrint.* files from the Windows/System32 folder worked for me.



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