A few records in a single row

  • I need a help. I don't know who function i got to use.

    I have the sample structure

    Table client – id, name (varchar)

    Table trademark - id,name

    Table application - id,name

    Table destination - id,name

    Table association – id_cliente (fk client), type (defines trademark, application, destination), and idtype (fk to any relationed table - trademark, application, destination)

    In the table association, i have the keys association for those tables

    Client | type | idtype (id of eache table trademark, application, destination |

    1 | 1 |1

    1 |1 |5

    1 |2 |3

    1 |3 |10

    joins result in more than a line

    select c.name as CLIENT

    , t.name as trade

    , a.name as aplication

    , d.name from client as c

    inner join association as at on (c.id=at.cliente)

    left join trademark as at on (t.id=at.idtype where type = 1)

    left join application as at on (c.id=at.cliente where type = 2)

    left join destination as at on (c.id=at.cliente where type = 3)

    Client |Trademark | Aplication |Destination

    Lucas silva |SEMAR | NULL |NULL

    Lucas silva |RADS | NULL |NULL

    Lucas silva |NULL | Diário |NULL

    Lucas silva |NULL | NULL |LOG

    I need to put in a sigle row some like above, listing the very first result of each type.

    I tried to use coalesce function, but does not work fine.


    Client |TradeMark | Aplication |Destination

    Lucas silva |SEMAR | Diário |LOG

    Can anybody help me?

    best regards


  • Can you post the DDL and DML scripts in readily consumable format...

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  • I think you want a crosstab/pivot. Check out the 2 articles in my signature about crosstabs.

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