Standard and Enterprise editions on the same cluster

  • We are currently running a two node cluster on SQL 2005 Enterprise with one Database Instance. I would like to add another instance, but not enterpise, but standard, that would be used for a reporting server on the node that is currently passive. So, after all said and done (2 node cluster), (Node 1 - runs 1 Enterprise Edition Instance) (Node 2 - Runs 1 Standard Edition instance).

    Does anyone know if this is possible.

    The idea is to get use out of the passive node that is very powerful (8 processors and 64 GB Ram), but not have to change our licensing to an Active/Active SQL 2005 Enterprise schema.

    PS. Will do transaction replication for data on the node 2 - reporting server.

    Has anyone tried this? Any thoughts are welcomed.

  • Assuming that your Std edition instance has it's own database (which gets data from the clustered instance via replication) (have I got that right?), it should work without any problems. The only caveat is that if you failover to the node that's running the Std. instance, then you'll have two instances running there and there will probably be some performance degradation since both instances must then share the physical resources of the failover node.



  • You got it right!

    Thank for the info. The degraded performance while both nodes are failed over to the same instance is something that I anticipated anyway.

    Do you actually have a cluster configured this way?

    I am looking forsomeone who has actually done this and is managing production databases this way.



  • No, I don't really like the idea of sharing my failover node with anything else but I'd do it without concern if I had to.



  • We actually run a cluster with An active node per Instance. Node A has one instance and Node B has a different instance. Performance degradation is minimal when they failover to both reside on the same Node. That is our situation. Performance will vary depending on use and systems.

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
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  • We have active instances on each node of a two-node cluster, but for us they are both EE. One node has our main publisher DBs and the other node runs the distribution DB.

    I cannot see any issues is one instance was EE and the other Std.

    Original author: 1-click install and best practice configuration of SQL Server 2019, 2017 2016, 2014, 2012, 2008 R2, 2008 and 2005.

    When I give food to the poor they call me a saint. When I ask why they are poor they call me a communist - Archbishop Hélder Câmara

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