Help with remote query

  • I've got the following code in our 2008 upgrade test system which contains temporary tables and views. The views all contain tables from our remote server (2005).

    IF Object_Id('tempdb..#MaxSCE') IS NOT NULL





    sce_scjc NVARCHAR(15) PRIMARY KEY,

    MaxSeq NCHAR(2)


    --Get the max SCE record for 08/09


    SELECT StudentCourseJoinCode, MAX(SequenceNumber) AS MaxSeq

    FROM sits.vwStudentCourseEnrolment sce JOIN sits.vwRegistrationCourse rc

    ON sce.CourseCode = rc.CourseCode

    WHERE sce.AcademicYear = '08/09'

    AND sce.Occurence <> 'H2' --Exclued H2 as some on H2 will be calculated as Expected but since H2 finish in December they won't achieve by the summer

    AND sce.EnrolmentStatusCode NOT IN ('T','P','PW','NE','NS')

    AND rc.ExternalReturnFormat = 'M'

    GROUP BY StudentCourseJoinCode

    IF Object_Id('tempdb..#CreditAtYearStart') IS NOT NULL


    DROP TABLE #CreditAtYearStart


    --Using temp tables here makes the overall query run faster (~1 sec) rather then joining the 2 queries directly (~3 mins)

    CREATE TABLE #CreditAtYearStart(

    sce_scjc NVARCHAR(15) PRIMARY KEY,

    MaxSeq NCHAR(2),

    PreviousCredit NUMERIC(7,2)


    INSERT INTO #CreditAtYearStart

    --Total up credits from past completed modules and advanced standing

    SELECT sce_scjc, MaxSeq, SUM(Credit) AS TotalCredit


    SELECT sce_scjc, MaxSeq, ModuleCode , MAX(ISNULL(AchievedCredit,0)) AS Credit

    FROM #MaxSCE LEFT OUTER JOIN sits.vwStudentModuleResults

    ON sce_scjc = StudentProgrammeRouteCode COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS

    AND ((AssType <> 'SMC' AND '20' + LEFT(AcademicYearCode,2) < 2008) OR AssType = 'SMC')

    GROUP BY sce_scjc, MaxSeq, ModuleCode

    ) AS MaxModuleCredits

    GROUP BY sce_scjc, MaxSeq

    IF Object_Id('tempdb..#CreditToBeGained') IS NOT NULL


    DROP TABLE #CreditToBeGained


    CREATE TABLE #CreditToBeGained(

    sce_scjc NVARCHAR(15) PRIMARY KEY,

    MaxSeq NCHAR(2),

    CreditToTake NUMERIC(7,2)


    INSERT INTO #CreditToBeGained

    --Total up the amount of credits the student is studying in the current year

    SELECT sce_scjc, MaxSeq, SUM(ModuleCredits) AS ModuleCredits



    SELECT sce_scjc, MaxSeq, ModuleCode , MAX(ISNULL(TakenCredit,0)) AS ModuleCredits

    FROM #MaxSCE LEFT OUTER JOIN sits.vwStudentModuleResults

    ON sce_scjc = StudentProgrammeRouteCode COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS

    AND AssType <> 'SMC'

    AND AcademicYearCode = '08/09'

    GROUP BY sce_scjc, MaxSeq, ModuleCode

    ) AS MaxModuleResults

    GROUP BY sce_scjc, MaxSeq

    IF Object_Id('tempdb..#AchievedCredit') IS NOT NULL


    DROP TABLE #AchievedCredit


    CREATE TABLE #AchievedCredit(

    sce_scjc NVARCHAR(15) PRIMARY KEY,

    MaxSeq NCHAR(2),

    AchievedCredit NUMERIC(7,2)


    INSERT INTO #AchievedCredit

    SELECT sce_scjc, MaxSeq, SUM(AchievedCredit)



    SELECT sce_scjc, MaxSeq, ModuleCode , MAX(ISNULL(AchievedCredit,0)) AS AchievedCredit

    FROM #MaxSCE LEFT OUTER JOIN sits.vwStudentModuleResults

    ON sce_scjc = StudentProgrammeRouteCode COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS

    AND AssType <> 'SMC'

    AND AcademicYearCode = '08/09'

    GROUP BY sce_scjc, MaxSeq, ModuleCode

    ) AS MaxModuleResults

    GROUP BY sce_scjc, MaxSeq

    --Dataset to return

    SELECT cs.sce_scjc, cs.PreviousCredit, cg.CreditToTake, ac.AchievedCredit, rc.Credits, sce.HistoricFacultyCode,

    sce.HistoricFaculty, sce.HistoricDepartmentCode

    FROM #CreditAtYearStart cs JOIN #CreditToBeGained cg

    ON cs.sce_scjc = cg.sce_scjc

    JOIN #AchievedCredit ac

    ON cg.sce_scjc = ac.sce_scjc

    JOIN sits.vwStudentCourseEnrolment sce

    ON ac.sce_scjc = StudentCourseJoinCode COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS

    AND ac.MaxSeq = SequenceNumber COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS

    JOIN sits.vwRegistrationCourse rc

    ON rc.CourseCode = sce.CourseCode --Returns without this join and the join on the line below

    and rc.RouteCode = sce.EnrolmentRouteCode

    AND sce.Occurence = rc.CourseBlockOccurrence

    AND sce.AcademicYear = rc.CourseBlockOccurrenceAcademicYear

    AND sce.EnrolmentLevel = rc.CourseBlock

    AND rc.AwardCode <> 'ROA'

    LEFT OUTER JOIN sits.SAREAward awd

    ON rc.AwardCode = awd.AwardCode COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS

    LEFT OUTER JOIN sits.vwStudentAward sa

    ON sce.StudentCourseJoinCode = sa.SPRCode

    AND sce.AcademicYear = sa.AcademicYear

    AND sa.AgreedAwardCode <> 'ROA'

    AND sa.StatusCode IN ('A','CONF')


    DROP TABLE #CreditAtYearStart

    DROP TABLE #CreditToBeGained

    DROP TABLE #AchievedCredit

    When this code is run I get the following error

    Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    Invalid column name 'Col3432'.

    Msg 4104, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    The multi-part identifier "Tbl1007.sce_efid" could not be bound.

    Msg 4104, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    The multi-part identifier "Tbl1007.sce_occl" could not be bound.

    Msg 4104, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    The multi-part identifier "Tbl1007.sce_blok" could not be bound.

    Msg 4104, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    The multi-part identifier "Tbl1007.sce_crsc" could not be bound.

    Msg 4104, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    The multi-part identifier "Tbl1007.sce_ayrc" could not be bound.

    Msg 4104, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    The multi-part identifier "Tbl1007.sce_seq2" could not be bound.

    Msg 4104, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    The multi-part identifier "Tbl1007.sce_scjc" could not be bound.

    After realising that this looked like it was something to do a query that was being run on the remote server, I decided to run the profiler to see if I could find anything odd - and indeed I did. My 2008 server was telling the remote server to run the following

    SELECT "Tbl1007"."sce_scjc","Tbl1007"."sce_seq2","Tbl1007"."sce_ayrc","Tbl1007"."sce_crsc","Tbl1007"."sce_blok","Tbl1007"."sce_occl","Tbl1007"."sce_stac","Tbl1007"."sce_efid","Col4130"

    FROM "sipr"."dbo"."srs_crs" "Tbl1076"

    As you can see, the above code will never work as its asking to get the columns from "Tbl1007" when the table in the FROM is "Tbl1076". This isn't just a case of an incorrect alias the table in the FROM clause is completely wrong.

    I've noticed that if I take out 2 lines in the ON clause after "JOIN sits.vwRegistrationCourse" that the code runs (but obviously the data is incorrect).

    I've tried droping and recreating the views but that hasn't helped. This code runs perfectly in 2005.

    Can anyone explain why the remote server is being asked to run garbage SQL?



  • Create your tables using real table names, not tempdb names. I would create them in the current DB or another staging DB specic to this purpose.

    If you must use tempdb, you will have to have permission to create tables (be a member of dbowner role)

    The probability of survival is inversely proportional to the angle of arrival.

  • 1. Add in the specific columns in your insert statements - even though you don't need to.

    2. Us AS for all returned columns - even if you don't need to

    The above can simply make it clearer to read the code and probably won't help but may end shedding some light on the issue.

    Check the views outside of the procedure - make sure you can open, select, etc. I am sure you have already done so but somewhere something is throwing a monkey wrench into this.

    Delete the tempdb tables by name - use dbo.#xxx to create them - just in case for some bizarre reason you are picking up another temp table based on owner name..

    Break it into small pieces - if the view works by itself and not in the procedure then something outside of my WAGs

    I can't explain the issue but hope this gives you some food for thought,

  • I have the sysadmin server role so there shouldb't be any permission issues with the temp tables. I don't really want to create proper tables for this as that seems like a bit of a waste given that I don't need them for anything else.

    The views all work fine and putting "dbo." infront of all the temp table names and specificying the columns in the inserts makes no difference.

  • I seemed to have got this working again now. I decided to change the collations used in the query so that the collation SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS was used. This is the collation of the remote server - previously I was using the collation of the local server.

    I'm happy that this now works, but I'd love to hear any suggestions as to why it has worked.

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