question about sp_spaceused and a full log

  • I have a table that has 236Meg 'reserved' as reported by sp_spaceused.

    The transaction log for the db is 1.9G.

    If I do a begin tran, delete * from table, the log file goes to about 80% used.

    It is part of a 3rd party upgrade script, and the other deletes filled up the tran log.

    It is on a test system, so no worries, but I am confused.

    If the table is 236M and I delete it, why does it appear to write over a gig in the log file?

    Can anyone confirm similar operation?

    (the db is in simple recovery mode)


  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • to solve the problem maybe change the delete *'s to TRUNCATE TABLE

    which only logs page deallocations and not each page's changes.

  • Ha - that tag line about space couldn't be more wrong.

    I did a quick check.

    deleting the rows from the table in sql 2000 used 852M log space

    deleting the rows from the table in sql 2008 used 1518M log space

    So now I need to ask my boss for more disks because the 'new, improved' SQL uses twice the log space?

    Can anyone else run a similar test?

    Could I have something configured wrong?


  • I've seen the same exact behavior migrating from SS 2000 to SS 2005. Of course, the recovery method has a impact, but even with the lowest level (was simple in SS 2000) - has the same problem. In my experience, indexes appear to exacerbate this behavior/problem.

    I support 2 (purchased) Vendor apps - that recently migrated from SS 2000 to SS 2005. Both vendors on support phone calls were 'dealing' with this in the same basic manner. We've seen the same thing, other customers are complaining about the same thing, and we don't have any solution beyond buy more disk space.

    If any magic bullet exists, I'd sure like to see find it.

    On a 2TB Database that I support, I've switched a number of the larger tables over to partitioned tables.

    That has allowed us to alleviate a large portion of the problem - but of course, a substantial amount of

    additional coding / code modifications were required as well to support the partition swapping/handling.

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