Script to generate Job's

  • Hi to all,

    I have to create all the jobs i have in my databases in productions, to a database in my machine, does anybody know the best way to generate the script to create the jobs? I have databases in SS 2005 and other in SS2000


  • Hi,

    Open the Management studio of SQL 2005.

    Select the job folder in the explorer objects window (left).

    In the right window, (explorer details), select all the jobs.

    Right click, ant then select "add job as", CREATE TO, File.

    Then run the created .sql file in the destination machine, to create the jobs.


  • Save this as a .vbs file:

    Dim oSQLServer

    Dim oStream

    SET oSQlServer = CreateObject("SQLDMO.SQLServer")

    SET oStream = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")

    oSQLServer.Connect "servername", "login", "password"

    Dim idStep

    Dim ScriptJob

    Dim CountJobs

    Dim JobName

    Dim ScriptAllJobs

    FOR Each oJob IN oSQLServer.JobServer.Jobs

    CountJobs = oSQLServer.JobServer.Jobs.Count


    FOR idStep = 1 TO CountJobs

    JobName = oSQLServer.JobServer.Jobs.Item(idStep).Name

    wscript.echo "Scripting: " & JobName

    ScriptJob = oSQLServer.JobServer.Jobs.Item (idStep).Script(4, "c:\temp\" &

    JobName & ".sql")

    ScriptAllJobs = ScriptAllJobs & ScriptJob



    oStream.WriteText (ScriptAllJobs)

    oStream.SaveToFile ("c:\temp\SQLAllScripts.sql"), 2



    SET oStream = Nothing

    SET oSQLServer = Nothing

  • I would go with Francisco's script method. Once you get the output you can modify the script anyway you need to. We did this same step years ago and have it modified to create/run the job based on the DB that the script is run against. I would recommend trying this on SS 2000 first if it is available so that you know the script will run against 2000 and 2005.

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