full rights to a SQL server 2008 without the ability to add new users

  • Is it possible to give a user full rights to a SQL server 2008 without the ability to add new users? A kind of Server Admin minus the ability to add new users?

  • Do you not want this user adding users or logins? Users are only at the database level, whereas logins are at the instance level. It sounds like you may be referring to logins, you could just grant the account server role access to all server groups they need rights to (with the exception of sysadmin), then deny "ALTER ANY LOGIN" at the instance level.

    This won't be exactly the same as SYSADMIN access minus the ability to add logins, since there is functionallity that is limited to SYSADMINs only, but hopefully this will get you close to what you're looking for.

    User permissions, however, would be similar but different since it'd be at the database level.

  • You need to define your requirements very well, full user rights mean sysadmin role?? or what permissions??

    What activities the user needs to done??


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