cross apply

  • where do we use cross apply ?

    please expline about cross apply with simple example

  • Did you consider BOL (BokksOnLine, the SQL Server help file) as a source?

    Please see chapter "cross apply" for details. There is an example as well.

    Even though the example shows the usage of a function, a query can also be used instead.

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  • A CROSS APPLY will be applied against each row in the table/view it is joined to. For example this query returns a row for each record in sys.sysprocesses. It includes the result of the sys.dm_exec_sql_text DMF for each of those rows, passing in the sql_handle from SSP for the parameter:

    SELECT SSP.*, DEST.text

    FROM sys.sysprocesses SSP CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(SSP.sql_handle) DEST


    - Tim Ford, SQL Server MVPhttp://www.sqlcruise.com

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