Blog Post

A CIO's Voice....


As you know if you follow this blog, Pearl Knows is the creator of the monitoring software SQLCentric, and offers managed Remote DBA services. I don’t often use this space to push my company or promote my products, unless I have a major announcement, or there is a newsworthy item to cover.

Hey, did you know that SQLCentric now supports SQL Server 2008, and that we will be releasing our SQLOS live performance dashboard soon? - End Plug.

Ok, so the point of this blog is, in general, when you have a great product (see above πŸ™‚ that a DBA really loves and wants, or when the IT department needs to bring in additional DBA resources, that decision is made not by the DBA, but the by the all-knowing, all-seeing fearless IT leader, known as the CIO – [noun pronounced see-eye-owe] Chief Information Officer. (With all due respect and deference to all my CIO friends and colleagues).

Seriously though, if I want to sell my products and services, the person I need to get to and convince of the value, and of course the bottom line ROI, is the CIO, who controls the budget. They must decide on whether or not these services will benefit the company and not bust the budget.

Along the way one terrific fellow that I have met and corresponded with is Arun Manansingh, who is an extremely knowledgable, seasoned executive and CIO, with over eleven years of IT management experience in international finance, leasing, and banking.  Arun should be considered a leading authority and expert in his field. He maintains a compelling blog called "A CIO’s Voice", which offers advice, insight, and humor for Chief Information Officers and Leaders. He has been quoted and appeared in several IT and CIO oriented publications such as, and  In our circles, we often get the DBA view, so if you want to get a fresh perspective from the CIO's point of view, definately bookmark and follow his Blog. Feel free to reach out to Arun, via his blog or via LinkedIN.

Turns out that the subject of his latest blog, was none other than me and my company’s product and services. He also carried on his blog my recent whitepaper on Fixed Cost IT Management and the Remote DBA and the benefits of these managed services. For this I am grateful, and appreciate his kind words, as well as the the time he took to write me up, and publish his blog. You can check out the post here: A CIO’s Voice on Pearl Knowledge Solutions, Inc. /


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