Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, = or when the subquery is used as an expression.

  • I want to read an excel file. In that excel file, ID column is generated automatically in stored procedure. I insert them to a temp table, then I update the column ID. After that I insert it to main table. While querying , it shows the error "Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used as an expression." I don't know why and where it happen. Please help me! It's so important to me. Thanks in advance!

    Stored procedure code is below:

    PROCEDURE [ManageStudent].[sp_insertStudentFormExcelFile]

    -- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here

    @fileurl nvarchar(400),

    @prefixStudentID varchar(4),

    @classid decimal(3,0)



    -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from

    -- interfering with SELECT statements.


    Declare @SQLString nvarchar(400),

    @rowcount int,

    @counter int,

    @studentnumber int,

    @studentid varchar(7)

    Select @studentnumber = (SELECT count(*) from _Student where StudentID like @prefixStudentID+'___' )

    -- Insert statements for procedure here

    SET @SQLString = 'SELECT StudentID,LastName,FirstName,Birthday,Birthplace,Sex, ProvinceID,Address,Telephone,ClassID,NationalityID,ReligionID,SV_Image,GradeID,SystemID,StatusID, Note


    OPENDATASOURCE(''Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0'', ''Data Source='+ @fileurl+';

    Extended Properties=''''Excel 12.0'''''')...[Sheet1$]'

    INSERT INTO ManageStudent.StudentTemp EXEC(@SQLString)

    select @rowcount = (select count(*) from ManageStudent.StudentTemp )

    set @counter = 1

    while @counter <= @rowcount
    set @studentnumber = @studentnumber+1
    set @studentid = @prefixStudentID +'000'+@studentnumber
    if @studentid < 1000000
    set @studentid = '0' + @studentid
    update ManageStudent.StudentTemp set StudentID = @studentid, ClassID = @classid where StudentID = Convert(varchar(7),@counter)
    set @counter = @counter+1

    insert into ManageStudent._Student exec('Select * from ManageStudent.StudentTemp')
    delete from ManageStudent.StudentTemp


  • I don't see anywhere in that stored procedure where you'd get more than 1 value from a subquery. The only thing I can suggest to troubleshoot is to run just portions of the code until you find the section that causes the error.

  • insert into ManageStudent._Student exec('Select * from ManageStudent.StudentTemp')

    Text above create the error. I see it quite simple, so I don't know why it has error???

  • I don't see why that would throw the error you are getting, but I was going to comment that using the Dynamic SQL, Exec(Sql string) is unnecessary. Try removing that.

  • I replace it with :

    Insert into ManageStudent._Student

    Select * From ManageStudent.StudentTemp

    The problem is still not solved.

  • I really don't think this is where you are getting the error. Can you post the table definitions, some sample data, and attach a sample excel sheet?

    Can't fix it if I can't test it.

  • sure, I post it to you.

    USE [SV]


    /****** Object: Table [ManageStudent].[_Student] Script Date: 06/17/2009 11:38:04 ******/







    CREATE TABLE [ManageStudent].[_Student](

    [StudentID] [varchar](5) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL,

    [LastName] [nvarchar](30) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL,

    [FirstName] [nvarchar](20) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL,

    [Birthday] [datetime] NOT NULL,

    [Birthplace] [decimal](3, 0) NULL,

    [Sex] [nvarchar](3) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL,

    [ProvinceID] [decimal](3, 0) NULL,

    [Address] [nvarchar](250) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL,

    [Telephone] [char](15) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL,

    [ClassID] [decimal](3, 0) NULL,

    [NationalityID] [decimal](2, 0) NULL,

    [ReligionID] [decimal](2, 0) NULL,

    [SV_Image] [nvarchar](150) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL,

    [GradeID] [decimal](2, 0) NULL,

    [SystemID] [decimal](1, 0) NULL,

    [StatusID] [decimal](2, 0) NULL,

    [Note] [nvarchar](250) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL,



    [StudentID] ASC


    ) ON [PRIMARY]


    Excel file :

    StudentIDLastNameFirstNameBirthdayBirthplaceSex ProvinceIDAddressTelephoneClassIDNationalityIDReligionIDSV_ImageGradeIDSystemIDStatusIDNote

    1Thi?u QuangHuy3/26/1987 0:001Nam158 Nguy?n Thái Bình P12 Q.Tân Bình              711211a

    2Tr?n Son Lam3/27/1987 0:001Nam159 Nguy?n Thái Bình P12 Q.Tân Bình              711211a

    3Hoàng QuangNgh?3/28/1987 0:001Nam160 Nguy?n Thái Bình P12 Q.Tân Bình              711211a

    4Nguy?n LâmHuy3/29/1987 0:001Nam161 Nguy?n Thái Bình P12 Q.Tân Bình              711211a

    5Lê NhuQu?nh3/30/1987 0:001N?162 Nguy?n Thái Bình P12 Q.Tân Bình              711211a

    6Kim Chi3/31/1987 0:001N?163 Nguy?n Thái Bình P12 Q.Tân Bình              711211a

  • Could you actually attach an Excel file with the data?


  • Hello ,

    The stored procedure use 2 table . StudentTemp and _Student, would be possible to attach the definition for the both tables ?,

    with regards,

  • Can you post the table definition of the temp table?


    Additionally what does this SELECT statement return when run before the INSERT?

    'Select * from ManageStudent.StudentTemp' before the insert.

    I know you posted the DML, but that doesn't always script the triggers if not selected in Management Studio. Is there a trigger on the table?

    And to clarify, the INSERT that's failing is the one at the bottom of your code snipet?


    insert into ManageStudent._Student exec('Select * from ManageStudent.StudentTemp')

    delete from ManageStudent.StudentTemp


  • I'm having the same issue with the following query. Is there anything evident within it which woudl be causing:

    "Msg 512, Level 16, State 1, Line 2

    Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used as an expression."

    USE [MobileFormsServer]


    /****** Object: View [dbo].[vwsc_BoatingWarningasXML] Script Date: 12/12/2011 13:15:13 ******/





    ALTER VIEW [dbo].[vwsc_BoatingWarningasXML]


    SELECT BoatingWarning.UniqueKey,



    * from

    ( SELECT BoatingWarning.CitationNo AS [CitationNumber],

    BoatingWarning.CitationDateTime AS [CitationDateAndTime],




    BoatingWarning.Companion AS [Companion],

    BoatingWarning.CompanionNumberType AS [CompanionNumberType],

    BoatingWarning.CompanionNumber AS [CompanionNumber],

    BoatingWarning.CompanionUniqueKey AS[CompanionUniqueKey],

    BoatingWarning.CountyOf AS [CountyOf],

    BoatingWarning.CountyOfNo AS [CountyofNumber],

    BoatingWarning.CityOf AS [CityOf],

    BoatingWarning.CityOfNo AS [CityofNumber],

    BoatingWarning.OfficerAgency AS [OfficerAgency],

    BoatingWarning.Location AS [Location],

    BoatingWarning.Latitude AS [Latitude],

    BoatingWarning.Longitude AS [Longitude],

    BoatingWarning.MNINo AS [MNINumber],

    BoatingWarning.NameFirst AS [FirstName],

    BoatingWarning.NameMiddle AS [MiddleName],

    BoatingWarning.NameLast AS [LastName],

    BoatingWarning.NameSuffix AS [NameSuffix],

    BoatingWarning.Street AS [StreetAddress],

    BoatingWarning.AddressOther AS [OtherAddress],

    BoatingWarning.AddDiffThanReg AS [AddressDifferentThanRegular],

    BoatingWarning.City AS [CityAddress],

    BoatingWarning.[State] AS [StateAddress],

    BoatingWarning.ZipCode AS [AddressZipCode],

    BoatingWarning.Phone AS [PhoneNumber],

    BoatingWarning.DateOfBirth AS [DateOfBirth],

    BoatingWarning.Race AS [Race],

    BoatingWarning.Ethnicity AS [Ethnicity],

    BoatingWarning.Sex AS [Sex],

    BoatingWarning.Height AS [Height],

    BoatingWarning.[Weight] AS [Weight],

    BoatingWarning.Hair AS [HairColor],

    BoatingWarning.Eyes AS [EyeColor],

    BoatingWarning.BusinessName AS [BusinessName],

    BoatingWarning.BusinessPhone AS [BusinessPhone],

    BoatingWarning.IDNo AS [IDNumber],

    BoatingWarning.IDState AS [StateOfID],

    BoatingWarning.IDType AS [TypeOfID],

    BoatingWarning.IDExpires AS [ExpirationDateofID],

    BoatingWarning.VesselRegNo AS [VesselRegistrationNumber],

    BoatingWarning.VesselRegState AS [VesselRegistrationState],

    BoatingWarning.VesselRegExpires AS [VesselRegistrationExpirationDate],

    BoatingWarning.VesselDocNo AS [VesselDocNumber],

    BoatingWarning.VesselFuel AS [VesselFuel],

    BoatingWarning.VesselPropulsion AS [VesselPropulsionType],

    BoatingWarning.VesselHP AS [VesselHorsepower],

    BoatingWarning.VesselYear AS [VesselMakeYear],

    BoatingWarning.VesselMake AS [VesselMake],

    BoatingWarning.VesselType AS [TypeofVessel],

    BoatingWarning.VesselLength AS [LengthofVessel],

    BoatingWarning.VesselLengthType AS [VesselLengthType],

    BoatingWarning.VesselColor AS [ColorOfVessel],

    BoatingWarning.VesselHIN AS [VesselHIN],

    BoatingWarning.VehicleYear AS [YearOfVehicle],

    BoatingWarning.VehicleMake AS [MakeOfVehicle],

    BoatingWarning.VehicleModel AS [ModelOfVehicle],

    BoatingWarning.VehicleTagNo AS [VehicleTagNumber],

    BoatingWarning.VehicleTagNoState AS [StateOfVehicleTag],

    BoatingWarning.VehicleTagExpires AS [ExpirationDateofVehicleTag],

    BoatingWarning.VehicleVIN AS [VehicleVINNumber],

    BoatingWarning.VehicleColor AS [ColorofVehicle],

    BoatingWarning.OfficerNotes AS [NotesByOfficer],

    BoatingWarning.OfficerOrgUnit AS [OfficerOrgUnit],

    BoatingWarning.OfficerRank AS [RankOfOfficer],

    BoatingWarning.OfficerName AS [NameOfOfficer],

    BoatingWarning.OfficerIDNo AS [OfficerIDNumber],


    BoatingWarning.UserCreatedDateTime AS [UserCreatedDateTime],

    BoatingWarning.Printed AS [HasBeenPrinted],

    BoatingWarning.PrintedDateTime AS [DateAndTimeOfPrint],







    BoatingWarning.RuleNumber AS [RuleNumber],

    BoatingWarning.FishSpecies AS [SpeciesOfFish],

    BoatingWarning.FishComments AS [CommentsOnFish],

    BoatingWarning.HuntSpecies AS [SpeciesHunted],

    BoatingWarning.HuntComments AS [CommentsOnHunt],

    BoatingWarning.QualSpecies AS [QualSpecies], --Need clarification on what this field represents,

    BoatingWarning.QualComments AS [QualComments], --Ditto as above,

    BoatingWarning.OtherViolation1 AS [OtherViolationOne],

    BoatingWarning.OtherViolation2 AS [OtherViolationTwo],

    BoatingWarning.CompanionNTNumberType AS [CompanionNTNumberType], --Ditto as above

    BoatingWarning.ReportStatus AS [Status of Report],

    -- BoatingWarning.ViolationUniqueKey,

    BoatingWarning.Violation AS [Violation],

    BoatingWarning.ViolationTypeCode AS [ViolationTypeCode],

    BoatingWarning.ViolationType AS [TypeOfViolation],

    BoatingWarning.ViolationLevelCode AS [LevelCodeForViolation],

    BoatingWarning.ViolationLevel AS [LevelOfViolation],

    BoatingWarning.ViolationLevelCourtAppearanceMandatory AS [ViolationLevelCourtAppearanceMandatory],

    BoatingWarning.ViolationDescription AS [DescriptionOfViolation],

    BoatingWarning.ViolationInstructions AS [ViolationInstructions],

    BoatingWarning.ViolationCode AS [ViolationCode],

    -- BoatingWarning.CodeViolationUniqueKey,

    BoatingWarning.CodeViolation AS [CodeViolation], --Could alias this better with more info on what it represents

    BoatingWarning.CodeViolationDescription AS [CodeViolationDescription],

    BoatingWarning.CodeViolationInstructions AS [CodeViolationInstructions],

    BoatingWarning.CodeViolationCounty AS [CodeViolationCounty],

    BoatingWarning.DescriptionOfViolations AS [DescriptionOfViolations],

    BoatingWarning.OfficerAgencyGroup AS [OfficerAgencyGroup],

    BoatingWarning.WarningBoatCodesExist AS [WarningBoatCodesExist],

    CASE BoatingWarning.WarningBoatCodesExist

    WHEN '1' THEN 'YES'

    WHEN '0' THEN 'NO'

    END AS [BoatingWarningCodeExists],

    ISNULL((select WarnBoatCodes.WarningCode from BoatingWarningBoatCodes WarnBoatCodes where WarnBoatCodes.BoatingWarningUniqueFKey = BoatingWarning.Uniquekey), '') AS


    BoatingWarning.WarningFishCodesExist AS [WarningFishCodesExist],

    CASE BoatingWarning.WarningFishCodesExist

    WHEN '1' THEN 'YES'

    WHEN '0' THEN 'NO'

    END AS [FishingWarningCodeExists],

    ISNULL((select WarnFishCodes.WarningCode from BoatingWarningFishCodes WarnFishCodes where WarnFishCodes.BoatingWarningUniqueFKey = BoatingWarning.Uniquekey), '') AS


    BoatingWarning.WarningHuntCodesExist AS [WarningHuntCodesExist],

    CASE BoatingWarning.WarningHuntCodesExist

    WHEN '1' THEN 'YES'

    WHEN '0' THEN 'NO'

    END AS [HuntingWarningCodeExists],

    ISNULL((select WarnHuntCodes.WarningCode from BoatingWarningHuntCodes WarnHuntCodes where WarnHuntCodes.BoatingWarningUniqueFKey = BoatingWarning.Uniquekey), '') AS


    BoatingWarning.WarningQualityCodesExist AS [WarningQualityCodesExist],

    CASE BoatingWarning.WarningQualityCodesExist

    WHEN '1' THEN 'YES'

    WHEN '0' THEN 'NO'

    END AS [QualityWarningCodeExists],

    ISNULL((select WarnQaulCodes.WarningCode from BoatingWarningQualityCodes WarnQaulCodes where WarnQaulCodes.BoatingWarningUniqueFKey = BoatingWarning.Uniquekey), '') AS


    FROM BoatingWarning BoatingWarning

    ) ResourceWarning


    ) )

    from boatingwarning

  • Disregard. Found it:

    FROM BoatingWarning BoatingWarning

  • Re-Regard. It's still arguing the same point after removing the second half of FROM

Viewing 13 posts - 1 through 12 (of 12 total)

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