need help in writing query

  • Hi is there any another way i can rewrite this below query. I was joining 3 coloumns from #temp5

    with 1 coloumn in NIC.What i want in the result set is ...i need to select those rows ..if any of the coloumns from #temp5 matches with coloumn ICD from NIC.......

    SELECT [Number],R=count([Number]),paid=sum([PAID])

    FROM #temp5 R7

    INNER JOIN [dbo].[Nic] T1

    ON( RTRIM(LTRIM(R7.[DG1]))=T1.[Icd]

    or RTRIM(LTRIM(R7.[DG2]))=T1.[Icd]

    or RTRIM(LTRIM(R7.[DG3]))=T1.[Icd] )

    WHERE T1.[TIER]=1



  • First a critique

    1. Temp table names have no meaning (might just be example).

    2. DG1, DG2, and DG3 should have been trimmed when they were inserted into #temp5.


    1. You cannot group by a field not in the SELECT list so RID isn't going to work.

    2. This seems to be more of an EXISTS case, you don't have a key to join on really..

    This is as close as I can really take you.

    SELECT [Number],R=count([Number]),paid=sum([PAID])

    FROM #temp5 R7


    FROM [dbo].[Nic] T1

    WHERE T1.[TIER]=1

    AND ( R7.[DG1]=T1.[Icd] OR R7.[DG2]=T1.[Icd] OR R7.[DG3]=T1.[Icd] ) )

    GROUP BY [Number]


  • Elliott W (2/23/2010)

    First a critique

    1. Temp table names have no meaning (might just be example).

    2. DG1, DG2, and DG3 should have been trimmed when they were inserted into #temp5.


    1. [highlight=#ffff11]You cannot group by a field not in the SELECT list so RID isn't going to work.[/highlight]

    2. This seems to be more of an EXISTS case, you don't have a key to join on really..

    This is as close as I can really take you.

    SELECT [Number],R=count([Number]),paid=sum([PAID])

    FROM #temp5 R7


    FROM [dbo].[Nic] T1

    WHERE T1.[TIER]=1

    AND ( R7.[DG1]=T1.[Icd] OR R7.[DG2]=T1.[Icd] OR R7.[DG3]=T1.[Icd] ) )

    GROUP BY [Number]


    you can group by a column which is not in the select list.

    But you cannot have [Number] in the select list as it is neither aggregated nor included in the group by column list

  • Using UNPIVOT would help here:

    declare @temp5 table (T1 int, T2 int, T3 int)

    insert @temp5

    select 1,2,3

    union all select 3,4,5

    union all select 5,6,7

    declare @Nic table (Id int)

    insert @Nic

    select 1

    union all select 2

    union all select 3

    union all select 4

    union all select 6

    ;with cte as (

    select Value_Col, Value_Act

    from (select T1,T2,T3

    from @temp5) sel

    unpivot (Value_Act for Value_Col in (T1,T2,T3)) unpvt


    select * from cte

    join @Nic n

    on cte.Value_Act = n.Id

    You need to be careful with it though - index choice and limiting the number of rows produced are vital...


  • Fazalul Haque (2/24/2010)

    Elliott W (2/23/2010)


    1. [highlight=#ffff11]You cannot group by a field not in the SELECT list so RID isn't going to work.[/highlight]


    you can group by a column which is not in the select list.

    But you cannot have [Number] in the select list as it is neither aggregated nor included in the group by column list

    I'm not sure I see your point, RID is neither selected or aggregated. And I don't think it falls into any of the exceptions in BOL. I would expect to get the error about not being in the select list. Can you provide an example for my adled brain..


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