User Name versus Login Name

  • I have a User who recently was married and how wishes to change her SQL login name to the new married name.

    Changing the login name appears relatively straight-forward:

    ALTER LOGIN Smith WITH NAME = Jones;

    However, I noticed that all of the databases she is a member of still show her as Smith (The login name changed in the properties to "Jones" but the User Name did not change).

    Is there a built in routine or function to also change the User name?

    I would have hoped that an alter of the Server-based Login name would also have modified all of the Database-level User Names as well...


    Argue for your limitations, and sure enough they're yours (Richard Bach, Illusions)

  • ALTER USER Smith WITH NAME = Jones


  • Thanks! 🙂

    I was hoping the solution might be something simple. Here we go:

    EXEC sp_msforeachDB 'USE ?; DECLARE @Name VARCHAR(30), @NewName VARCHAR(30), @Statement varchar(1000);

    SET @Name = ''Smith''; SET @NewName = ''Jones'';

    IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.sysusers WHERE NAME = @Name)


    PRINT ''The Name ''+@Name+'' Exists in ''+db_name();

    SET @Statement = N''ALTER USER ''+@Name+'' WITH NAME = ''+@NewName+''''

    EXEC (@Statement);

    --PRINT @Statement;


    Argue for your limitations, and sure enough they're yours (Richard Bach, Illusions)

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