Problems Adding Group to Database

  • Hi everyone,

    I have a nightly job that copies a backup of a SQL 2000 production database to a 2005 development server, attaches, and adds user and roles to the database. It does quite a bit more than that, but that's where I am having problems.

    The job runs under a domain SQLExec account for an old domain that we are switching from. I am currently using sp_grandbaccess to add a users and groups from the old domain and the new domain to the database after it is restored.

    Runing this command works:

    EXEC sp_grantdbaccess [NEW_DOMAIN\Group1], 'Group1'

    Running this command does not:

    EXEC sp_grantdbaccess [OLD_DOMAIN\Group1], 'Group1'

    The groups belonging to the old domain return this error:

    Msg 15259, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    The DEFAULT_SCHEMA clause cannot be used with a Windows group or with principals mapped to certificates or asymmetric keys.

    And keep in mind that the SQLExec domain account that is running this job is in the old domain as well. I've searched MSDN, and the thread that I found tells me absolutely nothing about my situation.

    Can someone explain what this is doing?

    I'd appreciate any help I could get on this.

  • No idea here. Is the schema changed between the old and new databases?

  • Well, the old database is 2000 so there isn't a schema, but it is owned by dbo, which is how it is restored.

    What does it mean for a group to be attached to a certificate?

  • Logins in general can be associated with certificates. When you check the compatibility mode of the database itself, what does it say? Does it say 80 or 90?

    K. Brian Kelley

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