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What's new in Sql server 2008


Finally... the Complete Enterprise product sql server 2008 is a great product, it has everything  includes features which other competitors (data base) and more. Here I made the change of my description as there is no major changes in sql server 2005 and 2008... Sql server 2008 has almost all the feature which Sql server 2005 has with added so many newly one. so here I am just listing things which is added in sql server 2008. I also mansion some of the this which is no longer exists in sql server 2008 ( e.g.. no support compatibility of sql server 7 and earlier)... Their is so much great information is already available online...
 Sql Server 2008Remark/Description
 Great Enhancement in architecture 
Enterprise Data PlatformPolicy-Based Managementfor compliance…
 Data collectorperformance data collects disk usage,activity, query stats.
Manageability EnhancementsData Compressionimprove disk Io and memory utilization
 Backup Compression 
 Resource Governorcontrol resources.
 Transparent Data Encryptioncomplete database
Security EnhancementsExternal Key ManagementSecurity.-using third party
 Data Auditingaudit -login, data access and modifications …
 Hot - Add -- CPU and Memory 
 Server group managementCentral Management Servers --e.g.. can run single query on multiple servers.
 Partition Aligned Indexed Viewfor very large partitioned tables
 Extended Eventslike trace/troubleshooting … no UI
 Enhanced Mirroring… automatic page repair 
Dynamic Development  
Programmability Enhancements Grouping Setssimilar to CUBE and Rollup and more
 MERGE Operatorgood for 'UPSERT' update -insert
 LINQLanguage Integrated Query can query from languages e.g.. C#, .net
 Change Data Capture (CDC)Capture changes in your tables
 Table - Valued Parameters ( TVPs)now we can pass tables into SP
 Conflict Detection in Peer-to-Peer Replicationensures that data remains consistent
Beyond Relational  
New data typesGEOGRAPHY Special data type
 GEOMETRY Special data type
 FILESTREAM dataExternal storage for BLOB in NTFS file system
 New Collations80 new collations are denoted by *_100 version references
 SPARSE COLUMNSefficient way to store NULL
 Hyper - V*Support Virtualization
 Star Join Query optimizationfor warehouses
 Filtered Indexes and Statisticssubset of rows in the table
SQL Server Management StudioT-Sql Debugger 
 Database Engine Error List Window  
 support PowerShellScripting language
Removed in 2008Compatibility 60,65, and 70 
 Backup log with truncate only/no_log 
 LOAD & DUMP statementold as backup/restore stmt
 Surface Area Configuration (SAC) is now SQL CM (Configuration Manager) 
There are five new dynamic management views to present memory information:
 sys.dm_os_memory_brokers (Transact-SQL) 
 sys.dm_os_memory_nodes (Transact-SQL) 
 sys.dm_os_nodes (Transact-SQL) 
 sys.dm_os_process_memory (Transact-SQL) 
 sys.dm_os_sys_memory (Transact-SQL)

(UPDATE  ON 09082009)

*Virtualization : Added in support for Windows Server 2008 R2 with Hyper-V and Hyper-V Server 2008 R2

comparison between 2005 and 2008..


Arshad Ali... has written a series (5) of articles on sqlservercentral for what's new in sql server 2008... 

added (10122009)


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