Question regarding Cluster and other indexes.

  • Hi all, sorry for this long description.

    i am creating a purge process for the old records and i have a question regarding clustered index for the table below.

    it seems that

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[OldRecords](

    [ID] [int] NOT NULL,

    [OrderID] [char](12) NOT NULL,

    [IsDeleted] [tinyint] NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_OldRecords_IsDeleted] DEFAULT ((0)),

    [CreateDate] [datetime] NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_OldRecords_CreateDate] DEFAULT (getdate()),

    [DeletedDate] [datetime] NULL,



    [ID] ASC


    Also, there are 2 non-clustered indexes defined on this table which are used:

    One is defined based on IsDeleted column and another on DeletedDate.

    The way the purge works is basically every day it grabs old id and orderid from the original table based on the delivery date for an order and inserts these records into OldRecords table.

    So, yesterday for example it can insert records like:


    1DUF002009-05-27 15:26:58.280NULL

    4LDYX002009-05-27 15:26:58.280NULL

    and today it will insert this data:

    2LDYWF02009-05-28 15:26:58.280NULL

    3DYUV02009-05-28 15:26:58.280NULL

    5LE2UX02009-05-28 15:26:58.280NULL

    and the final result will be like:


    1DUF002009-05-27 15:26:58.280NULL

    2LDYWF02009-05-28 15:26:58.280NULL

    3DYUV02009-05-28 15:26:58.280NULL

    4LDYX002009-05-27 15:26:58.280NULL

    5LE2UX02009-05-28 15:26:58.280NULL

    Here is where i am not sure if the Clustered index defined on OldRecords table is the correct way to do so since records (can be many of them) will be inserted randomly and will cause page splits.

    The next step after the records inserted will be:

    DECLARE @rowcount INT

    @count INT

    SET @rowcount = 5000

    DECLARE @DelOldRecords Table (ID INT PRIMARY KEY,

    OrderID CHAR(12))

    WHILE 1 = 1


    INSERT INTO @DelOldRecords



    SELECT TOP (@rowcount) TMP.ID, TMP.OrderID

    FROM dbo.OldRecords TMP

    WHERE TMP.IsDeleted = 0

    ORDER BY TMP.ID -- I am doing this in order to get the oldest records first

    -- delete records based on the ID column

    DELETE O FROM dbo.Order O INNER JOIN @DelOldRecords TV ON O.ID = TV.ID

    -- or delete records based on the

    DELETE O FROM Authorize O INNER JOIN @DelOldRecords TV ON O.OrderID = TV.OrderID -- how bad this join will perform since there is no index for OrderID in table variable?


    SET TMP.IsDeleted = 1,

    TMP.DeletedDate = GETDATE()

    FROM dbo.OldRecords TMP

    INNER JOIN @DelOldRecords TV


    AND TMP.IsDeleted = 0

    SELECT @count = @@ROWCOUNT

    DELETE FROM @DelOldRecords

    IF @count < @rowcount BREAK

    The OldRecords table also will be purged based on DeletedDate < getdate - 2 month
    Can you please recommend the best way to handle indexes in this case?


  • Do you ever do any queries on that table?

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

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    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • The only query on that table will be:

    SELECT TOP (@rowcount) TMP.ID, TMP.OrderID

    FROM dbo.OldRecords TMP

    WHERE TMP.IsDeleted = 0

    ORDER BY TMP.ID -- I am doing this in order to get the oldest records first

    when we get records in a batch for a purge and then this table will be updated.

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