Install a default instance

  • Is it possible to install a default SQL server 2008 instance and keep a defaul SQL server 2000 instance which has been installed before in the same machine?

  • You will need to create the SQL 2008 Instance with a different Instance Name i.e SQLSERVER2008.

    Other than that is should be ok

  • Is it possible not to use a name for the SQL server 2008 instance?


  • The connection string was "Initial Catalog= CentrAlert.Engine".

    Should I change it to "Initial Catalog= SQLSERVER2008/CentrAlert.Engine"


  • There can only be one default instance on a system. Therefore, if you want a SQL Server 2008 default instance, you will need to uninstall the SQL Server 2000 default instance first. Is there an issue with using a named instance? And I ask because I have seen vendors (*cough* Microsoft *cough*) not support named instances for their applications (*cough* CRM 3.0 at first *cough*).

    K. Brian Kelley

  • Hi,

    We like to upgrade our database from SQL server 2000 to 2008.

    I used named instance, name EOS50, for SQL server 2008 instance. But this solution requests to add EOS50/ to all database connection string in the application code. So we have to reinstall application.

    The manager does not like this solution. He insists that a default SQL server 2008 can co-exist with the default SQL server 2000 instance, so we do not need to change database connection string.

    I tried for several days, but I failed.



  • ouqiwu (8/10/2009)


    We like to upgrade our database from SQL server 2000 to 2008.

    I used named instance, name EOS50, for SQL server 2008 instance. But this solution requests to add EOS50/ to all database connection string in the application code. So we have to reinstall application.

    The manager does not like this solution. He insists that a default SQL server 2008 can co-exist with the default SQL server 2000 instance, so we do not need to change database connection string.

    I tried for several days, but I failed.



    You didn't fail - your manager failed by insisting that it is possible. Yes, SQL Server 2000 and 2005/2008 can co-exist on the same machine - but...

    You cannot have more than one default instance per machine or cluster. Whether that default instance is 2000, 2005 or 2008 - there can be only one.

    The real problem I see here is that the connection string appears to have been hard-coded into the application. Instead of just changing a configuration file - you now have to redeploy/reinstall the application with the updated connection information.

    Jeffrey Williams
    Problems are opportunities brilliantly disguised as insurmountable obstacles.

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  • ouqiwu (8/10/2009)

    I used named instance, name EOS50, for SQL server 2008 instance. But this solution requests to add EOS50/ to all database connection string in the application code. So we have to reinstall application.

    You have another option without doing the reinstall. Do the following:

    1) Configure a static tcp port for the SQL Server 2008 named instance.

    2) On the application machine, configure an alias pointing the server in question to the server and port.

    That will allow the application to use what looks like a default instance, but you're really pointing to the named instance. It's a trick a lot of folks use at a disaster recovery test so they don't have to reconfigure database connection strings.

    K. Brian Kelley

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