substring and comma-convert result table to comma 1,2,3,4

  • need help do this

    i have table table_index like this













    need to convert it like this


    declare @STR varchar(100)

    set @STR =(SELECT fld_index FROM table_index GROUP BY fld_index)

    select @STR = substring( @STR,',' + 1, len( @STR))

    select @STR

    i get an error

    Msg 512, Level 16, State 1, Line 3

    Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, = or when the subquery is used as an expression.

    Msg 245, Level 16, State 1, Line 5

    Conversion failed when converting the varchar value ',' to data type int.

  • Take a look at Performance Tuning: Concatenation Functions and Some Tuning Myths

    By Jeff Moden, 2008/01/01

    The first error message is self-explanatory. (SELECT fld_index FROM table_index GROUP BY fld_index) returns 3 rows and set @xyz can only accept 1.

    The second error message comes from ',' + 1 in the substring(). You need a number there.

    This works ok for a tiny set

    create table #table_index (fld_index int)

    insert into #table_index

    select 103 union all

    select 103 union all

    select 103 union all

    select 104 union all

    select 104 union all

    select 104 union all

    select 105 union all

    select 105 union all

    select 105

    select fld_index

    into #table_index2

    from #table_index

    group by fld_index

    declare @STR varchar(100)

    set @STR = ''

    update t

    set @STR = @STR + ',' + char(39) + convert(varchar(10), fld_index) + char(39)

    from #table_index2 t

    select @STR = substring( @STR, charindex(',', @STR) + 1, len(@str))

    select @STR

  • Hi,

    The Following May be useful

    declare @Table table (c int)

    insert into @Table

    select 103 union

    select 104 union

    select 105

    insert into @Table

    select 103 union

    select 104 union

    select 105

    insert into @Table

    select 103 union

    select 104 union

    select 105

    declare @Table1 table (c int)

    insert into @Table1

    select Distinct * from @Table

    select * from @Table

    select * from @Table1

    declare @Testemail varchar(100)

    select @testEmail = coalesce(@testEmail + ';','') + CAST(c AS varchar(20))

    from @Table1

    select @testEmail


  • Hi.. What about this

    declare @STR varchar(100)

    select @STR = @STR +','+ + fld_index FROM table_index where table_index in (select distinct fld_index FROM table_index )

    you will hv to remove the extra "," that is there at the beginig of the string.

    Check performance impact if you are working with large number of rows.

    "Keep Trying"

  • Chirag (5/29/2008)

    Hi.. What about this

    declare @STR varchar(100)

    select @STR = @STR +','+ + fld_index FROM table_index where table_index in (select distinct fld_index FROM table_index )

    you will hv to remove the extra "," that is there at the beginig of the string.

    Check performance impact if you are working with large number of rows.

    ok tnx

    i have problem

    i need to do this but use the your code

    update [dbo].[tb_pivot_big]

    set fld1 = CASE WHEN fld1 in('101' ,'102','103','104') then '*' else fld1 end

    , fld2 = CASE WHEN fld2 in('101' ,'102','103','104') then '*' else fld2 end

    , fld3 = CASE WHEN fld3 in('101' ,'102','103','104') then '*' else fld3 end

    , fld4 = CASE WHEN fld4 in('101' ,'102','103','104') then '*' else fld4 end

    , fld5 = CASE WHEN fld5 in('101' ,'102','103','104') then '*' else fld5 end

    from [dbo].[tb_pivot_big]

    where val_orginal = 1

    and whan i do this i get an error

    declare @STR varchar(100)

    select @STR = @STR +','+ + fld_index FROM [nili].[dbo].[table_index] where table_index in (select distinct fld_index FROM [nili].[dbo].[table_index] )

    update [dbo].[tb_pivot_big]

    set fld1 = CASE WHEN fld1 in(@str) then '*' else fld1 end

    , fld2 = CASE WHEN fld2 in(@str) then '*' else fld2 end

    , fld3 = CASE WHEN fld3 in(@str) then '*' else fld3 end

    , fld4 = CASE WHEN fld4 in(@str) then '*' else fld4 end

    , fld5 = CASE WHEN fld5 in(@str) then '*' else fld5 end

    from [dbo].[tb_pivot_big]

    where val_orginal = 1

    and i get an error

    Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Line 4

    Invalid column name 'table_index'.

    and this olso not working in update

    declare @Table table (c int)

    insert into @Table

    select 103 union

    select 104 union

    select 105

    insert into @Table

    select 103 union

    select 104 union

    select 105

    insert into @Table

    select 103 union

    select 104 union

    select 105

    declare @Table1 table (c int)

    insert into @Table1

    select Distinct * from @Table

    declare @Testemail varchar(100)

    select @testEmail = coalesce(@testEmail + ',','') + CAST(c AS varchar(20))

    from @Table1

    --select @testEmail

    update [dbo].[tb_pivot_big]

    set fld1 = CASE WHEN fld1 in(@testEmail) then '*' else fld1 end

    , fld2 = CASE WHEN fld2 in(@testEmail) then '*' else fld2 end

    , fld3 = CASE WHEN fld3 in(@testEmail) then '*' else fld3 end

    , fld4 = CASE WHEN fld4 in(@testEmail) then '*' else fld4 end

    , fld5 = CASE WHEN fld5 in(@testEmail) then '*' else fld5 end

    from [dbo].[tb_pivot_big]

    where val_orginal = 1

    can you see waht is the problem TNX

  • select @STR = @STR +','+ + fld_index FROM [nili].[dbo].[table_index] where table_index in (select distinct fld_index FROM [nili].[dbo].[table_index] )

    should be

    select @STR = @STR +','+ + fld_index FROM [nili].[dbo].[table_index] where fld_index in (select distinct fld_index FROM [nili].[dbo].[table_index])

  • tnx you

    and for all

    for the help and the support

    it working

  • Just to provide an additional example:


    DECLARE @table_index TABLE (fld_index tinyint NOT NULL)

    INSERT @table_index VALUES(103)

    INSERT @table_index VALUES(103)

    INSERT @table_index VALUES(103)

    INSERT @table_index VALUES(104)

    INSERT @table_index VALUES(104)

    INSERT @table_index VALUES(104)

    INSERT @table_index VALUES(105)

    INSERT @table_index VALUES(105)

    INSERT @table_index VALUES(105)


    SELECT ',''' + CAST(fld_index AS char(3)) + '''' AS "data()"


    GROUP BY fld_index

    FOR XML PATH ('')



    Best Regards,

    Chris Büttner

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