JOIN that will only "sometimes" be able to join records is failing

  • Hi Guys,

    I have the following little join:

    SELECT Users.Email

    FROM EventParticipants RIGHT JOIN

    Users ON

    EventParticipants.ParticipantID = Users.UserId

    My problem is that not every participantsID can be

    joined with users.userid because not all have a right id.

    The join does not work because it struggles with that fact:

    Msg 8169, Level 16, State 2, Line 1

    Conversion failed when converting from a character string to uniqueidentifier.

    How can I build a "soft" try-to join join ?

  • Hi

    Can you rather tell us what tables\table structures you have and what outcome you would like.

    Im not sure I understand the question or the problem...


  • Users


    Email (VARCHAR)




    ParticipantID (VARCHAR)



    ------- BA23213 3243A




    As you can see, user can not be joined because

    the id does not match with on ein table participants.

    So the result would just be

  • If these are both uniqueidentifiers you have to convert them to (var)char prior to matching them.

    cast( as char(36)) = cast( as char(36))

  • thats right, users.userid is of datatype UNIQUEIDENTIFIER,

    when I use a cast I get

    cast( as varchar(100))

    Cannot call methods on uniqueidentifier.

  • Unless you are doing a one time load where you can use SSIS fuzzy matching. You are going to need a rule such as split at the first space and then compare that. If a rule like that is possible you can load the matching primary keys into a temp table and then selecting the matched results.


  • How can you be joining a uniqueidentifier to any other data type? They will never match.

    SELECT Users.Email

    FROM Users usr

    LEFT OUTER JOIN EventParticipants prt

    ON CAST(prt.ParticipantID as char(36)) = CAST(usr.UserId as char(36))

    Should work

  • oh gosh thats sounds complicated. I can do a loop in my client application that does the matching instead

    onces the uniqueidentifier is then extracted and handled as varchar.

  • Alan (7/16/2009)

    If these are both uniqueidentifiers you have to convert them to (var)char prior to matching them.

    cast( as char(36)) = cast( as char(36))

    Why would you think a conversion is needed?


    INSERT @Foo

    SELECT '39527EB5-A05E-4C9E-847A-EE4A83606A48'

    UNION ALL SELECT '7BF11438-7B9F-481A-B257-A58C1E45CE2D'


    INSERT @Bar

    SELECT '39527EB5-A05E-4C9E-847A-EE4A83606A48'

    UNION ALL SELECT '0C58D634-A2C0-4EEF-8F54-F296C971A31E'

    SELECT *

    FROM @Foo AS F


    ON F.Val = B.Val EDIT: My Bad, I thought both columns where GUIDS.. But still no need to convert both of them, just one or the other.

  • ok thanks guys! that helped!

  • You are right about the 2 guids of course that is a habit to assume one of them came from our mainframe where they are stored as strings so we almost always need one or more conversions.



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