Database Migration from 2000 to 2005

  • Hi all,

    I want to upgrade database in 2000 to 2005 :).it could be helpfull if anyone could tell me various options to upgrade. 😉

  • Either Detach the database from 2000 and then re-attach to the 2005 system, and make sure you copy the logins over

    Or if you can not afford any down-time then restore a backup from the 2000 to 2005.

  • any other options?????what about copy database wizard 🙂

  • steveb's suggestion is the best, bar none. copy database wizard is not reliable compared to the built in ability of a SQL 2005 server to update an existing 2000 MDF or restore a database to the 2005 version.

    any other solution would not be a"best practice" ...yuo could script out every table and it's data as TSQL, but is that easier or faster than using the built in and faster tools?


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