Total Row number changed after exporting into the Excel or CSV file

  • Hello,

    I am having a problem with export to excel function in SSRS 2005, you must be thinking there are many post available for this topic but believe i am having a new problem ( I believe).

    I created a ad hoc report from the report model. (Report builder(1.0)). Reports shows Total rows is 7311.( attached file) and when i export to Excel then its shows 7019 (just data) and when i export as a CSV file then its shows 7017 rows.

    First, i thought it may be a header count but i am not sure thats true..

    there is a difference of 290 + rows in the report. so, what is this cause.. is any one come across like this.

    Please guys, I need your help.. :crying:



  • I do not know whether this is still a problem, but I encounter something familiar. I've got in my SSRS report a table, a graph and again a table, with a page break after the graph, so when you look in IE one can see on the 'first' page the mentioned table en graph. Then the page break does generate a second page (and beyond, depending on the dataset).

    When exporting to csv, the result is that a part of of the data of the second table is overwritten. Exporting to Excel shows all the data. So this is a bug or (that is what I hope) I need to tweak some property. I realize this is not an answer, but if I do I will share it with you (untill then you know that you are not the only one:-) )



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