Updating Description based on ID -- having trouble

  • I have the below data in a table called say "kipp".

    I am trying to get a script to work that will look at the last project with a description ,

    the look at the projects above that that do not have a description and populate it with the description from the previosly gathered one. the tricky part is that if there is not a description below the last one found then fill it in with the one that was found...

    I cant seem to figure it out as a newbie to SQL Server.

    Any Help would be greatly appreciated.


    proj_id desc

    --------------- ------------------------------





    11293.001.01 Description1







    11294.001.02 Description2

    so basically after the script is ran the data should look like:

    proj_id desc

    --------------- ------------------------------

    11293 Description1

    11293.000 Description1

    11293.000.00 Description1

    11293.001 Description1

    11293.001.01 Description1

    11293.001.02 Description1

    11294 Description2

    11294.000 Description2

    11294.000.00 Description2

    11294.001 Description2

    11294.001.01 Description2

    11294.001.02 Description2

    thanks in advance

  • Kipp,

    Here is my first pass at this; I hope this helps a little:

    with baseProject as

    ( select distinct

    case when charindex('.', proj_id) > 0

    then left(proj_id, charindex('.', proj_id) -1)

    else proj_id

    end as base_project

    from kipp

    ), projDescription as

    ( select


    ( select top 1


    from kipp

    where [desc] <> ''

    and case when charindex('.', proj_id) > 0

    then left(proj_id, charindex('.', proj_id) -1)

    else proj_id

    end = base_project

    ) as description

    from baseProject


    update kipp

    set [desc] = description

    from kipp a

    join projDescription b

    on case when charindex('.', proj_id) > 0

    then left(proj_id, charindex('.', proj_id) -1)

    else proj_id

    end = base_project

    and ( [desc] is null or

    [desc] <> description


    select * from kipp

    /* -------- Sample Output: --------

    proj_id desc

    --------------- ---------------

    11293 Description1

    11293.000 Description1

    11293.000.00 Description1

    11293.001 Description1

    11293.001.01 Description1

    11293.001.02 Description1

    11294 Description2

    11294.000 Description2

    11294.000.00 Description2

    11294.001 Description2

    11294.001.01 Description2

    11294.001.02 Description2


  • Here is another alternative that looks a little simpler:

    ;with groupData as

    ( select distinct

    coalesce(parsename(proj_id,3), parsename(proj_id,2),

    parsename(proj_id,1)) as base_project,

    max(proj_id) as max_proj_id

    from kipp

    where [desc] <> ''

    group by

    coalesce(parsename(proj_id,3), parsename(proj_id,2),


    ), groupDescription as

    ( select



    [desc] as description

    from groupData

    join kipp

    on max_proj_id = proj_id


    update kipp

    set [desc] = description

    from kipp

    join groupDescription

    on proj_id like base_project + '%'

    and (proj_id = base_project or proj_id like base_project + '.%')

    and ([desc] is null or [desc] <> description)

    After looking at it I really feel like I like the CASE construction better than using the COALESCE and PARSENAME construction. The CASE construction is going to be more flexible and robust.

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