Password Change Date not current

  • We run a report on the first of the month to list the status of SQL Server logins on all of our servers. Part of the code for this report uses the LOGINPROPERTY function to show the date the login passwords were last changed and, from this date, to calculate when the password is due to expire. We recently changed the sa password on all servers a week before the report was run. Some of the servers, however, do not show the password last change date for sa as having been changed.

    Does anyone know how I would begin to investigate this problem?

    Where is this date stored?

    Is there any reason that this date would not be updated when the password is changed?

  • I am replying to this post to bump it to the top of the forum. This report is used by an auditing team so we really need an answer to this problem ASAP.

  • I guess I will just have to keep bumping this until I get an answer. We really need to know how to fix this problem.

  • As you're having no luck in receiving a response to this query, why not post a bug report on MS' Connect site:


  • I already have an issue open with Microsoft, but I am not recieving any answers from them, either.

  • MS Connect is a place to go if you find a bug which isn't too important for you at the moment or when you have a workaround.

    If you have a problem which needs to be fixed ASAP, open a Microsoft support call. Usually it takes about two or three weeks (here in GOG) until you speak with the right person (it's the third or fourth 😛 ), but this person usually can help.

    Good luck


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