color duplicate rows with multiplt columns

  • hello i am new to reporting svcs. i ahve a situation where i have to color a row which has 2 column duplicate values in it

    ex. there are 2 columns with endusername and description. if description and endusername are repeating then color with yellow else no color

    there can be multiple column but i want to color only when these two columns repeat.

    thanks for ur help in advance

  • This may help you figure out how to do this. it is very easy

  • i meant something like =IIF(fields!endusername=previous(fields!endusername) and fields!description like "*compliance*" =previous(fields!description like "*compliance*" ),"yellow","")

    i tried but this is not working out

  • Okay,

    No you cannot compare rows for conditional formatting Only columns.

    I have not found a way to do this, and I really have not needed to.

  • You can determine the color of the row in the query, and return it as a field in the dataset. Then set the color property of the cell/row to the field that represents the color.

  • Hi..:)

    I guess, you can try this...

    =IIf(Fields!F1.Value = previous(Fields!F1.Value),"Yellow","Gainsboro")

    in one column and different field name with same condition in different column...this is so..b'coz its your requirement that only 2 columns needs to be validated and affected.. can give it a try and let me knw..if it helps!!



  • that only effects the color of the column and not the row

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