Parameter Label Not showing Up on Page Header After Deployment

  • I have a report where the page header shows the label of a parameter selected from a dropdown list in the Parameter section.

    This works just fine in Visual Studio. However, after the report is deployed, this field is always blank. This is true no matter what is selected from the dropdown list. The resulting report data reflect the selection so the parameter is working but the label does not show up on the deployed report.

    We have re-deployed a couple of times and nothing changes.

    Does anyone know what is going on?

  • HI,

    This might happen if the dataset which loads the parameter list and the report in the table are not synchronized. i.e the dataset which loads the report table might not able to capture the parameter names selected as it is considered as two independent transactions.

    Try selecting the option called 'use single transaction' for the datasource which the report uses. To do this, click the data tab in report designer, select the datasource which the report uses and click the edit dataset button. In the dialog box, there is a check box named 'use single transaction', select this option. Refresh the dataset and try running the report.

    Hope this solves your problem.



  • Hi Lekha,

    Thanks for the response but I figured out what was happening. As it turned out, it was way simpler than I thought. Somehow the datatype of the parameter had been changed from string to boolean and that was messing things up.

    However, your response is very interesting and I will remember it in the future. I didn't know about that setting.


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