SQL Statement performance

  • I have the following SQL Statement that takes 15 seconds to run in QA.

    The table has 8 958 073 records and growing.

    Ive indexed the following columns:



    F_sales_prod.date_id (clustered index)

    SELECT SUM("F_Sales_Prod"."net_amt"), "D_Dates"."fiscal_year", "D_Product"."level1", "D_Dates"."fiscal_month", "D_Store"."Division"

    FROM "D_Dates", "D_Product", "F_Sales_Prod", "D_Store"

    WHERE ("D_Store"."store_id" = "F_Sales_Prod"."store_id") AND

    ("D_Product"."Prod_id" = F_Sales_Prod"."prod_id AND

    ("D_Dates"."date_id" = "F_Sales_Prod"."date_id") AND

    ( "D_Dates"."fiscal_year" IN (2008, 2009) ) AND

    ( "D_Product"."level1" = '(5500) FLOOR COVERINGS/DECO' ) AND

    ( "D_Store"."Division" = 'SW' )

    GROUP BY "D_Dates"."fiscal_year", "D_Product"."level1", "D_Dates"."fiscal_month", "D_Store"."Division"

    I might be crazy but i think 15 seconds to return 24 out of 8 958 073 rows is a little much.

    Is their anyone who might have some suggestions for me?

  • When you say you've indexed those columns, do you mean that you have one index on each column, or one index that has all of them?

    Can you provide a create statement for the table, including the indexes? And an insert statement that would give a few rows of sample data?

    It would also be helpful if you provide the execution plan for the query.

    Property of The Thread

    "Nobody knows the age of the human race, but everyone agrees it's old enough to know better." - Anon

  • Look at the code... look at the GROUP BY... it's grouping a sum from one table by the data in 3 other tables. It's skipping the power you built in by adding the indexes. Let's go back to using that power by doing the sum based on those indexes and let the join "reflect" back into that sum to act as a criteria for it. Yes, the sum of the parts is frequently less than the whole when it comes to duration in SQL Server.

    I don't have your data to test with but I believe this will do the trick...


    cteSales AS

    ( --=== Pre-aggregation using only the information from the single table

    SELECT SUM(net_amt) AS TotalAmount,




    FROM dbo.F_Sales_Prod

    GROUP BY store_id, prod_id, date_id


    SELECT sales.TotalAmount, date.fiscal_year, prod.level1, date.fiscal_month, store.Division

    FROM cteSales sales

    INNER JOIN dbo.D_Store store ON sales.store_id = store.store_id

    INNER JOIN dbo.D_Product prod ON sales.prod_id = prod.prod_id

    INNER JOIN dbo.D_Dates date ON sales.date_id = date.date_id

    WHERE store.Division = 'SW'

    AND prod.level1 = '(5500) FLOOR COVERINGS/DECO'

    AND date.fiscal_year IN (2008, 2009)

    Just in case the "reflection" from the outer query doesn't work on the CTE (it sometimes doesn't), the other way to take care of this is to take absolute control of the situation and tell SQL Server the order you want things done...


    cteSales AS

    ( --=== Pre-aggregation using only the information from the single table

    SELECT SUM(sp.net_amt) AS TotalAmount,




    FROM dbo.F_Sales_Prod sp

    WHERE sp.store_id = (SELECT store_id FROM dbo.D_Store WHERE Division = 'SW')

    AND sp.prod_id = (SELECT prod_id FROM dbo.D_Product WHERE level1 = '(5500) FLOOR COVERINGS/DECO')

    AND sp.date_id IN (SELECT date_id FROM dbo.D_Dates WHERE fiscal_year IN (2008, 2009))

    GROUP BY sp.store_id, sp.prod_id, sp.date_id


    SELECT sales.TotalAmount, date.fiscal_year, prod.level1, date.fiscal_month, store.Division

    FROM cteSales sales

    INNER JOIN dbo.D_Store store ON sales.store_id = store.store_id

    INNER JOIN dbo.D_Product prod ON sales.prod_id = prod.prod_id

    INNER JOIN dbo.D_Dates date ON sales.date_id = date.date_id

    ... and if that STILL doesn't make a major improvement, then my ol' buddy the Temp Table will... but we'll save that until we see what happens with the two items above.

    Lemme know...

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.
    "Change is inevitable... change for the better is not".

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)
    Intro to Tally Tables and Functions

  • Thanks for the reply. I apoligize I should have mentioned one or two things.

    The Database is a datawarehouse and therefore I need the 3 other tables (Dimension and Fact Tables) and the SQL is being generated through a 3rd party BI tool.

    I think my question should have been what can I do on the SQL Server side of things to maybe increase the retrieval speed.

    I guess thinking about it, it comes down to more server specs and I/O and processor.

    Do you know of a good site or article that explains how to read the execution plan that QA provides?

    THanks for all the help.

  • I think you may get a performance gain if you change your index to include F_Sales_Prod.net_amt

    It would become a covering index for this query. (If I read the SQL statement right, had a tough day today)

    If you inculde a query plan, it would help as well.

    [font="Verdana"]Nothing is impossible.
    It is just a matter of time and money.[/font]

  • JonJon (10/8/2009)

    Do you know of a good site or article that explains how to read the execution plan that QA provides?

    Red Gate used to have a free ebook "Dissecting SQL Server Execution Plans" by Grant Fritchey. Check their wbe site...

    [font="Verdana"]Nothing is impossible.
    It is just a matter of time and money.[/font]

  • Hi

    You can use @nalytics Performance Free Data Collector for Microsoft SQL Server & Windows

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