SQl Server 2008 installtion problem( see attachment has Screen shots)

  • I have tried installing the SS 08 Enterprise Edition using the DVD that has ISO image files. See Attachment screen shots. In the installation process at the Server Configuration page I am not able to use a Account Name except NT Authority \System.Then only it lets me go to the next page of installation. At the end of the installation it says Installtion completed with failure .And there is a red cross next to

    Data base Engine and SS Replication. BIDS does gets installed. But not SS 08 Databse Engine. The error window says

    " Installation completed with failure.

    The Service cannot be started or it is disabled,becasue it has no enabled device associated with it."

    Is there a problem with the files on DVD??????.pls help me with the installtion

  • If you are installing on a machine attached to a domain and you cannot use a domain account when you do a SQL Server install, this means either:

    a) You do not have a proper trust relationship between your server and the domain.

    b) You are specifying the account name in the format 'name@domain'. The SQL install process requires that you use the 'domainame' format.

    If you are installing on a machine that is not attached to a domain, then you can use an account known to the local machine.

    The accounts should get validated before you get to the next window in the install process. If they pass validation then you should be able to get a good install.

    If the install fails, you need to look in the SQL Server install log files. There is information in Books Online (BOL) about how to find and analyse the logs, which are normally in the C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Setup Bootstrap\Logs folder.

    Please look in the log files and try to find the error. If you still have problems, then ask heer and someone may know the answer.

    Original author: https://github.com/SQL-FineBuild/Common/wiki/ 1-click install and best practice configuration of SQL Server 2019, 2017 2016, 2014, 2012, 2008 R2, 2008 and 2005.

    When I give food to the poor they call me a saint. When I ask why they are poor they call me a communist - Archbishop Hélder Câmara

  • Agree with SS I just ran into this on a cluster upgrade from 05 to 08. At first "The Service" error they were talking about for me was that the Task Scheduler service had been turned off on Node1 and Node 2.

    The second time i got the problem was because i was logged into node1 and node 2 at the same time, and it caused a probelm as SS stated above.

    If your on a single box then I would try using the system accounts as SS stated

    Twitter: @SQLBalls
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