Selecting databases to backup - do not include tempdb

  • Hi Guys,

    I have created a maintenance plan which runs nightly. One of the tasks it does is backup a bunch of databases on the server (sql server 2005).

    I have had to use a T-SQL task to backup the databases as the "Backup database task" does a few annoying things like backup snapshots.

    anyways I created a script to backup databases that i want to be backed up:

    SELECT dbid, name

    FROM master.dbo.sysdatabases

    WHERE status&512 = 0 AND

    status&1024 = 0

    Order By name

    This is fine but it includes the tempdb in the selection. Any ideas on how to exlcude the tempdb from the selection? I see an obvious option is to just append "name != 'tempdb' to the WHERE clause but this seems a little tacky, is there a better way?



  • Scozzard (9/28/2009)

    is there a better way?



    Probably, but I can't think of one. Tempdb is not distinguishable from any other of the system databases, at least in the query MS uses to build the Database Tree in SSMS. Meh, I would hard-code it.

    I reserve the right to be wrong.


  • Cool, thanks for the reply.

    I have ended up just hardcoding the 'tempdb' for now. If a better way comes up I will update it but I see no real problem for the time being.



  • you can use where dbid <> 2

  • Or you could forget using maintenance plans altogether and simple T-SQL commands. You could roll your own, or use one of the many stored procedures in the script library.

    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

  • jamesvgeorge (9/30/2009)

    you can use where dbid <> 2

    This is a way of doing it that will work all of the time. Tempdb is always dbid 2.

  • @philcart Writing scripts would definitely be a good idea, if it becomes any more complex or any more issues come up I will probably go down that road.

    @jamesvgeorge and @Gé Brander - cheers guys 🙂

  • Scozzard (10/1/2009)

    @philcart Writing scripts would definitely be a good idea, if it becomes any more complex or any more issues come up I will probably go down that road.

    @jamesvgeorge and @Gé Brander - cheers guys 🙂

    Well, there is always this:


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