Web Database Vs Desktop Database

  • hi all

    Is there any different criteria while creating a web database rather than

    a desktop one


  • Hi,

    Do you mean to ask if there is a difference in database design for web and desktop applications talking to SQL Server database?

    If this is the question, then I would recommend the following including into database design for the web app:

    1. Tables or a separate database for ASP state management. You can do it as custom tables or you can install the microsoft package with ASPstate database


    HOW TO: Configure SQL Server to Store ASP.NET Session State

    2. Tables to support caching if needed

    3. Tables to support Forms authentication if needed

    also the web apps sometimes can talk to the database only over the Firewall where the Windows authentication is not really an easy task, you have to use Forms or Custom

    Regards,Yelena Varsha

  • hi Yelena

    Thanks for your reply

    One more question

    How is data written to datafile?. In oracle data is kept in buffer and

    'dbwr' process wites data to datafile periodically.Is there anything like

    this in sql server?


  • Data is kept in log file and will be written whenever a checkpoint occurs.

  • From a development standpoint, a database in SQL Server is a database, no matter what you're doing with it. If you have a local install of SQL Server, meaning it's on the machine where your application (fat client or web), then you can access it with a different protocol or name, but the code for access is the same, you're still making a "connection" to the database, and it's not fundamentally different from a remote database server (separate machine).

    As far as data management goes, SQL Server is as robust as Oracle. Write your data to the table and SQL Server handles everything after that.

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