How to Mark a case as a 're-open' if the same Case Id occurred prior to the one being looked at

  • I have been trying a few various methods to see if I can get this to work, but I haven't had any luck.

    Here is what I am trying to accomplish.

    Every day, there are cases that get closed.  We are wanting to track cases that have been 're-opened' after having been already closed once, but there is nothing in the information provided that tells us this is a re-opened case. The only way to do this is to check to see if the Case ID and the Report Date and see if the there is a duplicate Case Id that exists and was closed prior to this report date.  To complicate matters, here is some additional info:

     1) A common situation is that a case is closed, re-opened and then closed again within the same day(sometimes multiple times). This should count as a re-open, each time it is done after the first instance, even if it's the same day ( I assume we would group by case ID?)

     2) I run a 5 Day reporting window, so a case should NOT count as a re-open if for instance on 3/20/2019 the case was closed for the first time, and then re-opened at some point and closed again 3/26/2019 until 3/26/2019. On 3/20, 3/21, 3/22, and 3/25(report days skips weekends and holidays, this is already built in, do not need anything fo that) it should NOT be marked as a re-open because the case still only has one instance on or before the report date we are looking at.  On 3/26 it would be marked as a re-open because it would then have been closed for a second time on or before the report date.

    Here are some queries:

    CREATE TABLE ResolvedCases(
        Case_ID varchar(20),
        Case_Closed_On datetime,
        Report_Date date,
        Is_ReOpened_Case VarChar(3) NULL

    INSERT INTO ResolvedCases VALUES('US1236', '2019-02-16 12:30:45', '2/16/2019')
    INSERT INTO ResolvedCases VALUES('US1238', '2019-02-28 15:30:45', '2/28/2019')
    INSERT INTO ResolvedCases VALUES('US1234', '2019-03-19 12:30:45', '3/19/2019')
    INSERT INTO ResolvedCases VALUES('US1234', '2019-03-19 15:30:45', '3/19/2019')
    INSERT INTO ResolvedCases VALUES('US1235', '2019-03-20 9:30:45', '3/20/2019')
    INSERT INTO ResolvedCases VALUES('US1235', '2019-03-23 12:40:45', '3/23/2019')
    INSERT INTO ResolvedCases VALUES('US1236', '2019-03-20 12:30:45', '3/24/2019')
    INSERT INTO ResolvedCases VALUES('US1237', '2019-03-25 12:30:45', '3/25/2019')

    Expected Results(Only showing the cases with Report_Date between 3/20 and 3/26):

    Case_ID    Case_Closed_On       Report_Date    Is_ReOpened_Case
    US1234     2019-03-19 12:30:45    3/19/2019            No  (There is a duplicate case Id on 3/19 but it didn't happen until 3:30 PM---at 12:30PM this hadn't occurred yet so it was not a re-open at that time)
    US1234     2019-03-19 15:30:45    3/19/2019            Yes
    US1235     2019-03-20 9:30:45      3/20/2019            No (There is a duplicate case Id on 3/23 but on 3/20 this hadn't occurred yet so it was no a re-open on that date)
    US1235     2019-03-23 12:40:45    3/23/2019            Yes
    US1236     2019-03-20 12:30:45    3/24/2019            Yes (Because of the case closed on 2/16/2019 even though it doesn't show in this query)
    US1237    2019-03-25 12:30:45     3/25/2019            No

    Any help would be appreciated with this...

    I have something that shows the count of the case ID which shows me all the duplicates for a given date range and have them grouped by Case_ID but I am not sure how to just mark each individual row as a re-open or not based on the requirements above...

  • How far between open/close would count as a "reopen"? You can just use LAG() with a PARTITION to look backwards at the previous records.

  • pietlinden - Wednesday, March 27, 2019 4:08 PM

    How far between open/close would count as a "reopen"? You can just use LAG() with a PARTITION to look backwards at the previous records.

    As far back as the records go(all the way back to 2017). If at any point the case_ID was already closed, regardless of the time difference, it counts as a re-open.

  • Then use LAG() and maybe ROW_NUMBER().
    Any record with a non-null LAG() value will be a reopen.

  • pietlinden - Wednesday, March 27, 2019 4:24 PM

    Then use LAG() and maybe ROW_NUMBER().
    Any record with a non-null LAG() value will be a reopen.

    It looks like I would need to make sure the items are sorted from oldest to newest before calling it because it looks like it only searches rows prior to that

  • You can sort inside the partition. (Using AdventureWorks2008R2)

    SELECT soh.CustomerID
        , soh.OrderDate
        , LAG(soh.OrderDate,1) OVER (PARTITION BY soh.CustomerID ORDER BY soh.OrderDate) AS PrevSale
    FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader soh
    ORDER BY soh.CustomerID
        , soh.OrderDate;

  • pietlinden - Wednesday, March 27, 2019 5:21 PM

    You can sort inside the partition. (Using AdventureWorks2008R2)

    SELECT soh.CustomerID
        , soh.OrderDate
        , LAG(soh.OrderDate,1) OVER (PARTITION BY soh.CustomerID ORDER BY soh.OrderDate) AS PrevSale
    FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader soh
    ORDER BY soh.CustomerID
        , soh.OrderDate;

    This works, but is there a way to limit the date range to return but still look through the entire DB?  It seems if I put a WHERE soh.SalesOrderDate BETWEEN xxx AND xxx that it will only return items within that date range as prev sales instead of all items in the Sales.SalesOrderHeader table...

  • Do you mean like this?

    SELECT *
    FROM (
    SELECT soh.CustomerID
        , soh.OrderDate
        , LAG(soh.OrderDate,1) OVER (PARTITION BY soh.CustomerID ORDER BY soh.OrderDate) AS PrevSale
    FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader soh
    ) x
    WHERE x.PrevSale <= '2007-01-01';

    The WHERE x.PrevSale… clause is being applied after the LAG etc is calculated, because that's being calculated in the *inner* query. Make sense?

  • pietlinden - Wednesday, March 27, 2019 6:31 PM

    Do you mean like this?

    SELECT *
    FROM (
    SELECT soh.CustomerID
        , soh.OrderDate
        , LAG(soh.OrderDate,1) OVER (PARTITION BY soh.CustomerID ORDER BY soh.OrderDate) AS PrevSale
    FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader soh
    ) x
    WHERE x.PrevSale <= '2007-01-01';

    The WHERE x.PrevSale… clause is being applied after the LAG etc is calculated, because that's being calculated in the *inner* query. Make sense?

    Brilliant! Thank you! Works perfectly.

  • matter2003 - Wednesday, March 27, 2019 8:23 PM

    pietlinden - Wednesday, March 27, 2019 6:31 PM

    Do you mean like this?

    SELECT *
    FROM (
    SELECT soh.CustomerID
        , soh.OrderDate
        , LAG(soh.OrderDate,1) OVER (PARTITION BY soh.CustomerID ORDER BY soh.OrderDate) AS PrevSale
    FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader soh
    ) x
    WHERE x.PrevSale <= '2007-01-01';

    The WHERE x.PrevSale… clause is being applied after the LAG etc is calculated, because that's being calculated in the *inner* query. Make sense?

    Brilliant! Thank you! Works perfectly.

    Hmm...noticing one weird is adding a duplicate row at times where the Closed Date is the same as the ReOpened date.  This shouldn't be happening, it should only be including re-opened dates that are before the closed date...any ideas what might be happening here?

  • select Case_ID
                when 0 < (select count(*) 
                          from ResolvedCases t1
                          where t1.Case_ID = t.Case_ID
                          and t1.Case_Closed_On < t.Case_Closed_On) then 'Yes'
                else 'No'
           end as Re_Open
    from ResolvedCases t
    where t.Report_Date between '2019-03-19' and '2019-03-26'
    order by t.Case_ID, t.Case_Closed_On;

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