Agent Job Owner - What do you do?

  • Our agent jobs are owned by either a windows user or the sa account. I was considering creating a SQL user account and assign that user to all of the jobs.

    I was wondering how others have their agent job owners set? Any dos and don’ts from experience.



  • In our domain we have created an account that we use for Proxy. Then all jobs use that proxy. If you have some high security jobs you can generate a more granular security model.


  • SSCrazy has the right idea. A domain level account set up specifically for running the jobs. SA is overly privileged and we've had a number of problems in the past with job owners being left as a particular windows user (generally the initial creator) and then failing once that person leaves the company. No reason to get woken up at 1am because jobs suddenly start failing because the owner was finally removed from the domain.

  • Same here we use a domain account with complex passwords but they don't expire like the rest of the domain user accounts.

    I don't like the idea of failing jobs because I haven't changed the password.

  • I've used domain accounts or "sa", but don't use any other user accounts. Can cause issues at times.

  • I always use a domain user account since the agent is responsible for backup and we always backup to special backup file server on the network. This account is also given access to the backup location so it can do the necessary file manipulation.


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