about HL7

  • 🙂 Hello, guys how are you doing?

    I am working in a small company as network administrator and the company has developing clinical software such as: Patient Info, admission, pathology, hematology, serology, Radiology......... right now, the manager of the company told me that to read and study about HL7. AS I understand, this HL7 defines for the exchange, integration, retrieval of health care data. And also, a secure way to send and receive discharge summaries and other clinical information from one place to another

    So, my question is

    1. each software is connected one another. So, what are they looking for from HL7? Could you explain guys how it works?

    2. Is there available to download for testing? Or is there any CD available for installation?

    Please guys I need help?


  • That's a BIG question. You might need to hit the books.

    Health Level 7

    HL7 is a protocol establishing data/record formats for passing medical information back and forth. It's been largely a cooperative effort between a lot of folks. Note that it defines the data elements more than it defines the specific structure. For example - HL7 systems could output delimited text (mostly pipe-delimited from what I've seen), or XML (you could only be so lucky...).

    "Secure" would be something built on top of the HL7 layer.

    Your lack of planning does not constitute an emergency on my part...unless you're my manager...or a director and above...or a really loud-spoken end-user..All right - what was my emergency again?

  • Hi, Matt Miller

    you said " HL7 is a protocol establishing data/record formats for passing medical information back and forth".

    so, this HL7 is a protocol. does it have a port number? also is it possible to forward this protocol?

    thank you very much

  • It's not a communication protocol. It's more like a grammar (it defines what elements should be within various types of communication).

    Protocol: set of rules established among groups.

    think of it like an XML schema - it doesn't define WHAT is being said, or HOW it's being said. But it does define what elements/attributes should or might be present/filled when/if you do bring up a specific type.

    In OOD - you might care to think of it as an interface (or rather - a series of interfaces).

    Your lack of planning does not constitute an emergency on my part...unless you're my manager...or a director and above...or a really loud-spoken end-user..All right - what was my emergency again?

  • I am not satisfied about HL7 and i don't know why they ask me to read and study?:unsure:

    any how, thank you very much Matt Miller

  • Just remember - there are OODLES of data on HL-7 floating around. You're going to need some "focus" above and beyond "go study HL7". Last time I checked there was a whole cabinet full of books in my local bookstore dealing with HL7, its various aspects, how to apply it to X software application. Never mind the various intricacies each individual system would bring on it.

    Let's just say it's a "big area" to just go out and study.

    You should fnid out what they plan on making you DO with regards to HL-7 so that you have a better understanding of what to study. Not much sense in studying HL7XML if the system sending you stuff doesn't DO HL7XML....

    Your lack of planning does not constitute an emergency on my part...unless you're my manager...or a director and above...or a really loud-spoken end-user..All right - what was my emergency again?

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