Need help Urgent.. SP executing long time.. Whats wrong in this ?

  • Hi All,

    We have thousands of SPs in our db. Here am providing the SP, i am unalbr to catch the logic of improving to fine tune. I couldnt get how can i fine tune, and whats wrong in the SP as i cross checked num of times but couldnt find any logic to improve and fine TUNE.

    Please HELP me...



    /****** Object: StoredProcedure





    CREATE procedure [dbo].[sp_Ind_Newton_HomePage]

    (@userID varchar(8000))



    declare @Roles varchar(8000)

    declare @RoleID varchar(8000)

    declare @tbl varchar(8000)

    declare @profileName varchar(8000)

    declare @sql varchar(8000)

    declare @query varchar(8000)

    declare @profileId varchar(100)

    declare @childProcess varchar(100)

    declare @parentProcess varchar(100)

    declare @ServiceActionID varchar(100)

    declare @PageID varchar(100)

    declare @cnt int

    Create table #tmpDataSource (DataSource varchar(8000),ProfileName varchar(1000), childProcess varchar(8000), ParentID int, ListActionID varchar(50), PageID varchar(50))

    create table #tmpHome(

    MenuId int, Name varchar(8000), Description varchar(8000),

    ParentId int, Type varchar(8000), SortOrder int,

    IsFunctional nchar(1), ServiceActionId varchar(8000), StateId varchar(8000),

    CaptionId varchar(8000), urlabspath varchar(8000), imageurl varchar(8000),

    width char(3), height char(3), onclick varchar(8000),

    AuthRequired char(3), DateCreated datetime, CreatedBy varchar(8000),

    DateModified datetime, ModifiedBy varchar(8000), OwnerOrgId varchar(8000),

    OwnerLocId varchar(8000), PAGEID varchar(8000), OldOnClick varchar(8000),

    UrlRelPath varchar(8000)


    select @Roles = Roles from Users where UserID = @userid

    set @Roles = replace(@Roles,'SysRecipient' + ',','')



    set @RoleID = substring(@Roles,0,charindex(',',@Roles,0))

    set @Roles = replace(@Roles,@RoleID + ',','')

    insert into #tmpHome (MenuId,Name,Description,ParentId,Type,SortOrder,IsFunctional,ServiceActionId,StateId,CaptionId,urlabspath,imageurl,


    select MenuId,Name,Description,ParentId,Type,SortOrder,IsFunctional,ServiceActionId,StateId,CaptionId,urlabspath,imageurl,

    width,height,onclick,AuthRequired,DateCreated,CreatedBy,DateModified,OwnerOrgId,OwnerLocId,PAGEID,OldOnClick,UrlRelPath from menus

    where serviceactionid in (

    select distinct serviceactionid from workflowTransitions where serviceactiontype='select'

    and permissiontoken like '%' + @RoleID +'%' AND 1 in (SELECT 1 from Roles where RoleId like '%' + @RoleId + '%' ) ))

    -- AND IsGroupInboxEnabled = 'Y'


    --select @cnt = count(*) from #tmpHome

    --select * from #tmpHome

    insert into #tmpDataSource (DataSource, ProfileName, childProcess, ParentID,ListActionID,PageID)

    (select distinct DPC.DataSource, DPC.Name, T.Name, T.ParentID, T.ServiceActionID, T.PageID from DataProfileClasses DPC

    inner join ServiceActions SA on SA.DataProfileID = DPC.DataProfileClassID

    inner join #tmpHome T on T.ServiceActionID = SA.ServiceActionID)

    select @cnt = count(*) from #tmpDataSource

    --select * from #tmpDataSource

    create table #tmpFinalTable (TableName varchar(50),childProcess varchar(50),parentProcess varchar(50),Inbox int, GroupInbox int, FollowUp int, ListActionID varchar(50), PageID varchar(50))



    select top 1 @tbl = T.DataSource,@profileName = T.ProfileName, @childProcess = T.childProcess, @parentProcess = (select Name from Menus where MenuID = T.ParentID),@ServiceActionID = ListActionID ,@PageID = PageID from #tmpDataSource T

    delete #tmpDataSource where DataSource = @tbl

    if exists(select DataProfileID from GlobalInboxType where DataProfileID = @profileName)


    select @profileId = DataProfileID from GlobalInboxType where DataProfileID = @profileName

    print @profileId + ' @@'

    set @sql = 'insert into #tmpFinalTable (TableName, childProcess, parentProcess, Inbox, GroupInbox, FollowUp,ListActionID,PageID) (select ''' + @tbl + ''' as TableName, '''

    + @childProcess + ''' as childProcess, ''' + @parentProcess + ''' as parentProcess, (select count(*) FROM ' + @tbl

    + ' INNER JOIN DataProfileClassWorkflowStates DP ON DP.StateId = ' + @tbl + '.StateId AND ' + @tbl + '.RecipientId = ''' + @userid

    + ''' where StateName <> ''Request Completed'' And DP.StateId<>''IndCAEJobTemplateCreated'' And DP.StateId<>''IndCFAOAPSInvoiceAccountApproved'' AND DP.StateId<>''IndCoeGlobalAmendmentCanceledState'' and FollowUp <> ''Y'''

    if(@tbl in ('IndCoeImports', 'IndCAEJob'))


    set @sql = @sql + ' and InboxEnabled = 1 '


    set @sql = @sql + ') as Inbox,'

    + '(select count(*) from ' + @tbl +' where RecipientId in (

    Select userid from AgIndCoeDeskUsers where StateId IN(

    select FromStateId from (

    SELECT top 100 percent dbo.WorkflowTransitions.FromStateId, dbo.WorkflowTransitions.DataProfileClassId, dbo.RolePrincipals.PrincipalId

    FROM dbo.WorkflowTransitions

    JOIN dbo.Roles ON dbo.WorkflowTransitions.PermissionToken LIKE ''%'' + dbo.Roles.RoleId + ''%''

    JOIN dbo.RolePrincipals ON dbo.RolePrincipals.RoleId = dbo.Roles.RoleId

    WHERE (dbo.WorkflowTransitions.FromStateId <> dbo.WorkflowTransitions.ToStateId)

    AND (dbo.RolePrincipals.RoleId <> ''SysRecipient'')

    AND (dbo.WorkflowTransitions.FromStateId IN (SELECT stateid FROM AgIndCoeDeskUsers))

    And DataProfileClassId='''+ @profileId + '''

    group by dbo.WorkflowTransitions.FromStateId, dbo.WorkflowTransitions.DataProfileClassId, dbo.RolePrincipals.PrincipalId

    ORDER BY dbo.RolePrincipals.PrincipalId ) A

    where PrincipalId = ''' + @userid + ''')

    AND (dbo.' + @tbl +'.Stateid IN (SELECT stateid FROM DataProfileClassWorkflowStates where StateName <> ''Request Completed'' AND StateId<>''AgIndCoeGlobalAmendmentCanceledState'' AND StateId<>''AgIndCFAOAPSInvoiceAccountApproved'' AND StateId <>''AgIndCAEJobTemplateCreated''))


    if(@tbl in ('AgIndCoeImports', 'AgIndCAEJob'))


    set @sql = @sql + ' and InboxEnabled = 1 '


    set @sql = @sql + ') as GroupInbox,'

    + '(select count(*) FROM ' + @tbl +

    + ' INNER JOIN DataProfileClassWorkflowStates DP ON DP.StateId = ' + @tbl + '.StateId AND ' + @tbl + '.RecipientId = ''' + @userid

    + ''' where DP.StateId <>''AgIndCAEJobTemplateCreated'' AND StateName <> ''Request Completed'' and ' + @tbl + '.FollowUp = ''Y'' AND ' + @tbl + '.RecipientId = ''' + @userid + ''''

    if(@tbl in ('AgIndCoeImports', 'AgIndCAEJob'))


    set @sql = @sql + ' and InboxEnabled = 1 '


    set @sql = @sql + ') as FollowUp, ''' + @ServiceActionID + ''' as ListActionID, ''' + @PageID + ''' as PageID)'

    print @sql



    set @cnt = @cnt-1


    select distinct parentProcess from #tmpFinalTable

    select * from #tmpFinalTable

    select * from NewtonDocuments

    --drop table #tmpDataSource

    --drop table #tmpHome

    --drop table #tmpFinalTable

    /* Added By Prakash*/

    IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sysobjects WHERE type = 'T' AND name = '#tmpDataSource')


    DROP Table #tmpDataSource


    IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sysobjects WHERE type = 'T' AND name = '#tmpHome')


    DROP Table #tmpHome


    IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sysobjects WHERE type = 'T' AND name = '#tmpFinalTable')


    DROP Table #tmpFinalTable





  • I'd suggest, to start, run the proc with Statistics Time and Statistics IO on and find out where the slow pieces are and then focus on the pieces that are slow.

    What does that while loop in the middle do? What is it that you need to do repeatedly?

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • Many things I can suggest...

    1) Identify the Need of While Loop as before Post

    2) Find Order by Distinct all required

    3) Please check why 100 percent is required in the query

    4) if exist is not at all required u are confident that tables are

    created then what is there to drop that table.

    5) Please confirm all the varialbels that are declared are used...

    6) Finally Check the endexes are properly created....

    check all these you will surely get improvements.....

  • CH&HU (3/4/2009)

    IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sysobjects WHERE type = 'T' AND name = '#tmpDataSource')


    DROP Table #tmpDataSource


    IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sysobjects WHERE type = 'T' AND name = '#tmpHome')


    DROP Table #tmpHome


    IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sysobjects WHERE type = 'T' AND name = '#tmpFinalTable')


    DROP Table #tmpFinalTable


    One thing I just noticed. Not one of those EXISTS will ever return true. Temp tables aren't created in the current database and as such, checking sysobjects will find no match.

    Also, the type for user tables isn't T. There is no object that has a type of 'T'. The type for user tables is 'U'

    Did anyone ever test those EXISTS statements before adding them to the proc?

    If you created a temp table in your proc, you can drop it without worry, it will exist as no one else can drop a temp table that you created. If you don't drop them then, being temp tables, they will be dropped automatically when the proc ends

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • Iam thakful for your efforts on my Procedure...

    As i have a bit knowledge on SPs but now i came to learn into dept.....

    Kindly let me know if anything else can be done .......



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