Updating Publication

  • Hello All,

    I am new to Replication, and just trying to avoid generating a new snapshot everytime I create new tables in publisher.

    Are there any loop holes to add new tables to the existing publication and let these tables replicate with out generating a new snapshot in transactional publication. Can I create these tables manually in the subscriber?

    Thanks In Advance.

  • You do not need to resnapshot everytime you add a new table to the publisher. You can set up the table in Publisher and add the table to replication and tell the agent not to snapshot to initialize. You can just create the table in subscriber. You will have to manage the ID columns or Timestamp column on your own though.


  • Thanks Roy for your comments. But will the data get in sync with the approach you mentioned? I tried but the problem, data is not getting in sync.


  • Ziljan,

    If you add the new tables to the publication and you run the snapshot agent ONLY that table should be sent over to the subscriber(s).

    * Noel

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