How to Change Expression Into SQL Syntax

  • I have an expression in a Crystal Report that takes spaces, apostophes and dashes and converts them into underscores. If the length of the field is less than 6 characters,

    it also adds the text "PAD" to the end.

    I'm trying to figure out how to convert that to SQL syntax for an update/select I'm trying to do. Can anyone help?

    Here's the expression in Crystal:

    select UpperCase (Replace (Replace (Replace ({Personnel.LAST_NAME},' ','_'),"'" ,'_'),'-' ,'_')) + IIf (Length ({Personnel.LAST_NAME})<6,'PAD','')

    Thank you.


  • Have a look at the following code. You want the entire statement that creates the cleanedColumn column.


    CREATE TABLE #test (


    testval VARCHAR(15),

    description VARCHAR(50)


    INSERT INTO [#test]

    SELECT 'test','no spaces no bad chars less than 6'


    SELECT 'te,st','less than 6 with comma'


    SELECT 'te st','less than 6 with spaces'


    SELECT 'te''st','less than 6 with an appos'


    SELECT 'testtest','no spaces no bad chars more than 6'


    SELECT 'te,sttest','more than 6 with comma'


    SELECT 'te sttest','more than 6 with spaces'


    SELECT 'te''sttest','more than 6 with an appos'

    SELECT id, [testval], [description],

    CASE WHEN LEN(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE([testval],' ','_'),'''','_'),',','_')) < 6 THEN REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE([testval],' ','_'),'''','_'),',','_') + 'PAD'

    ELSE REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE([testval],' ','_'),'''','_'),',','_')

    END AS cleanedColumn

    FROM [#test]

    DROP TABLE [#test]

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  • Thanks! That worked very well! Now I'm just trying to add an underscore if there's a hyphen and I keep getting a message about the Len argument -> The len function requires 1 argument(s).

    SELECT id, [testval], [description],

    CASE WHEN LEN(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE([testval],' ','_'),'''','_'),',','_'),'-','_')) < 6 THEN REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE([testval],' ','_'),'''','_'),',','_'),'-','_')) + 'PAD'

    ELSE REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE([testval],' ','_'),'''','_'),',','_'),'-','_')

    END AS cleanedColumn

    FROM [#test]

    I tried just adding '-','_' where it was necessary.

    Thank you!


  • You need to make sure you're calling the replace function each time as it take 3 params...

    param one, the string to check

    param 2 the string to replace

    param 3 the string to be replaced

    For each character to be replaced, you need to recall the function. You added the ,'-','_' but you didn't add another replace(.

    SELECT id, [testval], [description],

    CASE WHEN LEN(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE([testval],' ','_'),'''','_'),',','_'),'-','_') < 6 THEN REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE([testval],' ','_'),'''','_'),',','_'),'-','_') + 'PAD'

    ELSE REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE([testval],' ','_'),'''','_'),',','_'),'-','_')

    END AS cleanedColumn

    FROM [#test]


    To help us help you read this[/url]For better help with performance problems please read this[/url]

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