Powershell and sql server 2008

  • Hy all, my english is very bad, so i will try...

    I have read a lot about Powershell..and so far I have not seen a practical application using powershell. I have a lot of scripts with SMO, but why i use powershell if i can use a .VBS (and whit a .VBS i dont need to "installed" VBS...powershell needs)

    Something like..

    If you have 5 servers and you want to do "somenthing".....you can use powershell because....(it´s better, it´s easy, ..)

    Please, a need help...

    Thanks a lot

    $hell your Experience !!![/url]

  • I wouldn't say you need to replace VBS with PowerShell. Different critters really.

    I'm just getting started learning Powershell. It's installed automatically with SQL Server 2008 (just run sqlps.exe) and Windows Server 2008, so you would only have to install it on servers running older versions of SQL or the OS. Because so many different Microsoft devices are getting exposed through Powershell, it's going to make integration much easier. It's a pretty slick language. Just in trying it out I was able to put together a quick looping mechanism to simulate a load on a server using sqlcmd.exe within the PowerShell script.

    I think it's more for admin types rather than programmers. It supplies them the type of functionality and control that UNIX shell scripts do.

    ----------------------------------------------------The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood... Theodore RooseveltThe Scary DBAAuthor of: SQL Server 2017 Query Performance Tuning, 5th Edition and SQL Server Execution Plans, 3rd EditionProduct Evangelist for Red Gate Software

  • Thanks Grant. But i still dont know when and why i can use powershell with SQL SERVER 2008. I have a lot of scripts. Like...I know i can use powershell to manage DMF´s. But why i do this ?

    $hell your Experience !!![/url]

  • Why this SQL Server DBA is learning power shell[/url]

    is a good read

    SQLServerNewbieMCITP: Database Administrator SQL Server 2005
  • Thanks Jerry, it´s was exactly what i´m looking for...Practical applications

    $hell your Experience !!![/url]

  • Laerte POltronieri Junior (10/6/2008)

    Thanks Jerry, it´s was exactly what i´m looking for...Practical applications

    Exactly my thoughts after reading that (= something I can actually use at work in practice)

    SQLServerNewbieMCITP: Database Administrator SQL Server 2005

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